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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Something tells me he isn't sane.I feel bad for his wife and for the people who know him though.And being a member on 48 forums is like holy crap..

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Anyone find it ironic that there's to be an online memorial service for this guy?

This guy must've been mentally ill.

He just inspired me to outside and play basktball or something.

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That's the result of an addictive personality. Had it been alcohol or drugs, he would have been one of the thousands that die from their addictions annually. The fact his addiction was computers makes it just plain strange.

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it sounds like he had some sort of latent OCD that was unlocked by forums, but that is indeed some freaky stuff. i'm going to start taking it easy on internet now :rolleyes:

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im addicted to msh and ultimate guitar ,just kidding ,but i am on alot. And sometimes i go on guitar.com or skateboard.com even just to see how bad it is now(no mods i dont think) theres like no skateboard topics at all its all spam

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I have a Pookie-like addiction to caffeine, that's about all.

At least with a caffiene addiction you're still drinking something.

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