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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nintendo Revolution

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yea, and werent they trying something with the gamecube, where you were going to use your hands to control the games, but it flopped.

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Hah, Id probably hurt myself :lol:

I think it is virtual reality, I like regular gaming better, i am eyeing that new Xbox though. B)

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I'm probably gonna get Xbox 360. Nintendo always makes cutesy games and I've had enough of Mario already. I can't wait for Ninja Gaiden on the new Xbox, if they make one.

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Mario runs like hes on speed or something.

He looks too thin for an italian pluber with some pizza addiction.

But the console looks very neat

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Someone has to find another link!

Also,how do you know this video is real? Ive been reading and they havent even released a prototype for "fear of ideas being stolen"

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Im almost sure its real. Nintendo is starting to release some information now that the xbox 360 has been launched.

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