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Whats your IQ?

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I am so dizzy!! my head can't stop spinning after that!

but I got a 114, but i guessed on like the last 4 or 5.

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That's not very accurate... it gave me 116, but I've taken a real one before (not over the internet) and I have 150.

so are you part of MENSA??

Probably doesn't even know what Mensa is.

I have an Uncle in law who is a Mensa member, and it's quite rediculous. He is a PHD in nuclear engineering, masters in psychology, and a BS in biology. He's so smart it makes my head hurt, you can't even comprehend how rediculous this guy is. His IQ is around 140. An IQ of 150 defines you as "Supergenius". Mozart, Darwin, Steven Hawking, and Einstein are all chillin' right around 160, if that tells you anything :rolleyes:

I do know what MENSA is actually. I don't really remember much of the test I took, I was very young at the time. I don't even know how they can measure an IQ when you're a little kid. A physics teacher at my school is a MENSA member, I should ask him about this stuff.

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That's not very accurate... it gave me 116, but I've taken a real one before (not over the internet) and I have 150.

so are you part of MENSA??

Probably doesn't even know what Mensa is.

I have an Uncle in law who is a Mensa member, and it's quite rediculous. He is a PHD in nuclear engineering, masters in psychology, and a BS in biology. He's so smart it makes my head hurt, you can't even comprehend how rediculous this guy is. His IQ is around 140. An IQ of 150 defines you as "Supergenius". Mozart, Darwin, Steven Hawking, and Einstein are all chillin' right around 160, if that tells you anything :rolleyes:

I do know what MENSA is actually. I don't really remember much of the test I took, I was very young at the time. I don't even know how they can measure an IQ when you're a little kid. A physics teacher at my school is a MENSA member, I should ask him about this stuff.

I think the scores are scaled for your age group when you take it. 100 being the average for that group.

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Bah I took that iqtest.com one only to find out I have to pay for my results... shitty.

i did that too once, i was pissed

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my mom said mine is two points away from whatever genious is, no lie at all...im very surprised though cuz it sure doesn't seem like it when it comes to school work

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my mom said mine is two points away from whatever genious is, no lie at all...im very surprised though cuz it sure doesn't seem like it when it comes to school work

She lied.

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my mom said mine is two points away from whatever genious is, no lie at all...im very surprised though cuz it sure doesn't seem like it when it comes to school work

She lied.

:lol: lol

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I scored a 166.

On the only real IQ test I ever took, I scored a 144.

thats rediculus

Don't worry, IQ test scores are just numbers on a piece of paper.. nothing more.

So is a paycheck.

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Actually, I know what my real IQ is and geki is right.... it doesn't mean much. Applied knowledge is what translates into that other piece of paper that 2048 was talking about.

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