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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Just thought it would be cool to post your first post here. No reason just the first thing you said on Modsquad.

Hey everyone this is my first post on the site. I have the same name as before so you will probably regonzize me. It was kinda weird, I wasnt on for a couple days and then I find out all the Mods left. Anyways Im glad this site was made because CB is starting to turn into EMB. Anyways thanks again.

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I really like the look of the Audi Quatro LeMans i think the name is. Well its on the cover of the new Car & Driver.

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Posted on: Apr 16 2004, 06:29 PM

Thats AWESOME!Its so funny when people do that and they tell you not to.

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www.hockey1.com its only a half an hour a way from my house the prices might be high on their site but,they are really cheap .....ccm vector v110 79.99.....mission m-1 89.99...they have almost every product on the market

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i am very impressed guys. it looks like a lot of hard work was put into this. two thumbs up

Official Dick of Modsquadhockey

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I own a stick bag, but it only gets used really if I'm going out of state. Even lately I've just been carrying 3 sticks with me. As for wheel bags, totally understand them for a goalie, but for a skater...not so much. Used to own a backpack bag, but it was due to being on a train a TON made it 100x easier than a bag over my shoulder while walking to/from the station.

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Mine was...

Just curious if any one has been able to get one of these yet, and if so how was it? I've been wanting to try one and they wouldnt sell them at the hockey expo last week.

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Mine was...

Just curious if any one has been able to get one of these yet, and if so how was it? I've been wanting to try one and they wouldnt sell them at the hockey expo last week.

What was that about??

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i am very impressed guys. it looks like a lot of hard work was put into this. two thumbs up

Official Dick of Modsquadhockey

He means that was his first post on MSH

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