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The dekeing curve?

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Is there a curve specially designed for dekers? Like a curve that can help you deke better then others or is it just personal pereferce?

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Is there a curve specially designed for dekers? Like a curve that can help you deke better then others or is it just personal pereferce?

A toe curve is great, but to a lot of people it doesn't matter.

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Yeah I would have to agree. I'm pretty sure there isn't a curve out there that is going to make you better at it. It's all about practicing and fine tuning the skill. I suppose a blade with alot of feel would be helpful but other than that practice would make you better.

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Not really, it's all personal preference. But I will say that stickhandling is a skill and if you are a good puckhandler then you will probably be able to do well with any blade. I like the Sakic because of it's lie, shape, and curve but for awhile I broke all my Sakics and had to resort to some old Easton Leetch blades and I did just fine with them. They are pretty different patterns but switching didn't really affect me that much. Just look at how many great stickhandlers there are in the NHL and look at how many different patterns they all use.

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get the dekeing hands. I dangle people silly with my drury, a heel curve that people will tell you sucks for stickhandling.

drury retail is like kovalev retail and the curve goes really well for deking. The best i've use.

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Chalk another one up for the retail Drury/Kovalev pattern. I like it for overall puck control. The rockered toe lets me bring the puck out wide and drag it back in, which is pretty good for a heel curve. Also because the blade is fairly straight from the heel out, it's fairly easy to control on the backhand. I've also seen guys use the Shanahan for toe drags pretty well too, but done slightly differently. Personally, I'm not comfortable with a flatly rockered blade for deking, but that's me. Practice plays a bigger part IMO.

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The Drury is a different beast than other heel curves I've seen. I think it's more the shape of it more than it being a heel curve. That being said, I'm not sure all heel curves would deke as well as I've found the Drury has for me.

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I play defense but it's mainly roller hockey defense, so I throw moves down when need-be. And for this I'm big on the modano and it's clones, nice lie and I like the toe to drag with.

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I think it's important to mention that the shape of the toe can be very important to puckhandling. I like a round toe because I think it allows you to rocker the blade more, I have a Fedorov pro blade thats great for shooting but I have a harder time pulling off some of my favroite moves because the toe is so flat. But then there are some really weird patterns out there like Hull's that have a really weird toe and it's pretty hard to puckhandle with those (as you can tell by watching Brett ;) )

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Whatever blade you have confidence in is the best one to use. There's no magic shortcut, you have to put in a lot of hard work to improve your hands.

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get the dekeing hands. I dangle people silly with my drury, a heel curve that people will tell you sucks for stickhandling.

Kovalev also have a heel curve and it doesn't affect is stickhandling at all.

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get the dekeing hands. I dangle people silly with my drury, a heel curve that people will tell you sucks for stickhandling.

Kovalev also have a heel curve and it doesn't affect is stickhandling at all.

Because the Kovalev is a Drury clone as stated before.

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get the dekeing hands. I dangle people silly with my drury, a heel curve that people will tell you sucks for stickhandling.

Kovalev also have a heel curve and it doesn't affect is stickhandling at all.

Because the Kovalev is a Drury clone as stated before.

Yeah, but i mean kovy pro stock pattern is not a Drury clone but Kovy pro stock pattern is also a heel curve.

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Any flat blade with a smallish curve should do. Toe curves are good for the whole toe drag thing.

Just stay away from huge hooks at they may make it difficult to do what you want in this area.

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Yeah, but i mean kovy pro stock pattern is not a Drury clone but Kovy pro stock pattern is also a heel curve.

The Kovy pro is a toe curve dude.

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For someone with hands of stone like me, I prefer the Drury pattern for puckhandling because I have better control over the backhand. But if it is my intention to deke, which to me means being able to draw the puck back in towards my body keeping it under control, I prefer to use a large hook like the obscene, infamous red jofa curve.

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For someone with hands of stone like me, I prefer the Drury pattern for puckhandling because I have better control over the backhand. But if it is my intention to deke, which to me means being able to draw the puck back in towards my body keeping it under control, I prefer to use a large hook like the obscene, infamous red jofa curve.

ive used all kinds of curves, from Modano-Brendl. you can make a case for any of them being the best, as it is all personal preference. I, personally, prefer a curve similar to the TPS Tucker. My favorite is the Dandenault.

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I really despise the Drury curve. I just hate that rocered toe. Like pretty much everyone else has to say, you have to work on your own game. Skating and learning to stichandle with your head up are big things. I personally lie the Bauer Lindros curve. I can pull of some pretty crazy dekes with it. Also a wood blade might help, for puck feel.

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