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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Just went to corebeam today and well we all know, Just wondering who has come over here?

I usta be "Ty" on CB but they wont let me have a 2 letter name on here :angry:

any way enjoying this so far, whos all here?


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I used to be in Corebeam but my brother got banned for swearing and because of that they banned the IP, so i couldnt even post. But i read the forums all the time.

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Guest phillyfan

Quite a while ago, Phillyfan on CB, then enforcer12, never posted much as all of my questions were asked for me.

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I was on there. I Had no idea at all that there was problems at corebeam, I did notice the amount of posts drop off but I thought it was just a slump. Then one day I go on and saw #17's little message.

How many of us are still kicking around from the Hockey Forum (is that what it was?) days.

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I was on there. I Had no idea at all that there was problems at corebeam, I did notice the amount of posts drop off but I thought it was just a slump. Then one day I go on and saw #17's little message.

How many of us are still kicking around from the Hockey Forum (is that what it was?) days.

Right here big guy.

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well, drewdogg18 from the OLD easton message board is here as well as pikappaphi from CB, but maybe thats just Jim Beam (black label) is telling me ;)

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