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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The coke lime actually is great....Its not that noticeable, but you still get the zing of the lime.

"You put the lime in the coke you nut"

Coke lime just taste like diet coke to me. not much lime taste to it.

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For you people that have tried Coke w/ Lime think about the "handy wipes" you get at like applebees or damons (sports bars) and tell me what you thing.. i think that it tastes like they dropped one of them in the mixture and someone actually liked it

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lucky bastard working for dr.pepper, i sell light bulbs for a living.

if you have any lightbulb or fixture questions, ask me lol

is it true that lightbulbs are made to break so people will need to buy replacements? if it's true, its seems awfully familiar :rolleyes:

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yes it is true, filament burns out, its all physics.

but think if they didnt burn out, then how would they make money. if ops didnt break, hwo would they make money

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Will Dnl be selling in the UK?

And will it be a drink like Red Bull, Lucasade or some uva energy drinks?

1. Highly unlikely

2. It is not an energy drink, but a highly caffeinated soft drink like Mountain Dew.

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Cherry Vanilla Dr.Pepper (not it diet)

If you live outside of a major metropolitan city, it will be a while, however your best bet is to find them in 20 oz. bottles, as Dr. Pepper is produced in less volume in bottles than cans.

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Never tried dnL but Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper is so wonderful and great. I wish i could find it in 6pk 20oz bottles instead of having to buy them individually or having to buy cans. Also I haven't seen or tried a nondiet version, but I can imagine that it would probably be too sweet.

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Never tried dnL but Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper is so wonderful and great. I wish i could find it in 6pk 20oz bottles instead of having to buy them individually or having to buy cans. Also I haven't seen or tried a nondiet version, but I can imagine that it would probably be too sweet.

I'll have to check tomorrow, but I'm pretty sure CVDP is not produced as a 6pk. in bottles.

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So is any of this stuff in Canada because I haven't seen any mention of it yet.

Not sure about it being available in Canada due to the additional caffeine added. Al marketing done in Canada is handled in Canada.

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I have Cherry Vanilla Dr.Pepper (not diet) here in Cary, NC....Its ot a HUGE city but its pretty booming....Maybe we got lucky :) Im not crazy about it though

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