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tps gloves

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Well i wanna buy some new gloves. and i was looking at the TPS HGT's and the response plus gloves. I have never had TPS gloves and i don't know anyone who have them. My questions are what is your opinion on these gloves? Which of the two are better? Are they comfortable? How do they feel compared to an Easton ULP or an oakley mace? Any info would be well apprecaited

thanks alot


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R+ are nice but a little stiff out of the box. I prefer the R2 over both but the HGT is a good, solid glove.

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I have the response plus gloves and absolutely love them! Best gloves I have ever had for fit in my fingers. I have large hands and they are snug, plenty long and not too loose.

Bear in mind however that I have not purchased new gloves since my old jofa 686's from the early 80's. I have tried on Eagles and the Mace's in my lhs though, and I liked the response's because of how they fit my hands.

The others were nice, but based on fit and a wicked sale I went TPS for my new gloves. THey are now 4 months old, with 30+ games under their belt, and still in AWESOME shape.

GOod luck with your choice.



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I have three pairs of TPS gloves....here are two of them -

This is the pair I am currently using -


This pair is still brand new, never been used....I may just get them signed and display them.


I have had 6 pairs of TPS gloves, and the only other brand I would even consider is Eagle.

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Hey Fletch, how do you find those cuffs? We've got a pair of HG1's in our shop, and I've always thought the cuffs were far too restrictive, but I've only tried them on in the shop, and not used them.

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i had prostock response 1 gloves and the protection was great. i dont like the cool max lining tho that was my only complaint. i found it made the gloves smell alot wrose then any other kind of lining.

i have since moved on to eagles and i like the eagle's more then the responses,just because i like a looser glove. and i hated the big cuff on the responses.

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Hey Fletch, how do you find those cuffs? We've got a pair of HG1's in our shop, and I've always thought the cuffs were far too restrictive, but I've only tried them on in the shop, and not used them.

Well, they're pro stock for Luc Robitaille......I guess he gets whatever he wants :)

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My team HGT's are the most comfortable gloves I've ever used. I'd post pics if I weren't at work. :(

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There is a company who specializes in buyouts selling a bunch of TPS gloves on ebay, mostly 13-14-15 inch gloves in a few color choices. They have Response, R2`s (which are my personal favorites right now, three piece index finger and very light weight, just can`t find a pair in maroon or green), HGT`s, Response +`s, HG1`s, and a couple of Jr Xlites. Most in the range of $10-40 dollars (U.S.). I plan on using them to beat around in the garage shooting or for summer league or I might buy an extra set and save them for next year.

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R+ are nice but a little stiff out of the box. I prefer the R2 over both but the HGT is a good, solid glove.

Are the Bionic 12s replacing the R2s?I tried them on in my lhs and they felt awesome, I liked them more than the HGTs and they're really cheap.

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i have a pair of TPS THG's, ordered them from 1800faceoff.com thinking I was getting HGT's because that's what the description was, but got the THG's instead and I didn't like them...I stopped using them and went back to my x70i's

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R+ are nice but a little stiff out of the box. I prefer the R2 over both but the HGT is a good, solid glove.

Are the Bionic 12s replacing the R2s?I tried them on in my lhs and they felt awesome, I liked them more than the HGTs and they're really cheap.

They seem to be similar. I don't recall them being on display in the TPS booth at the trade show so I can't say for sure.

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