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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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stealth vs SL

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Could it be a negative? It's a personal preference thing, but I think so (and I recognize the marketing hype has put me in the minority in this regard). For one, I find if it's too light, the durability has to be suspect. Also, I think if it gets too light vibration and/or puck feel may suffer. I use the Busch sticks (550 grams, and is noted for it's superior durability and puck feel - too bad they haven't taken their engineering to a higher level to develop kick points and a tapered shaft.... but I digress), the Bauer Endure (gained weight over the XX - what are they, like 480 grams? - in effort to increase durability), and TPS Adrenaline (gained 30 grams in weight over the XN10 to help with vibration complaints).

ANYWAY, I am not one who is sold on lighter=better. I personally don't like the Stealth. It is amazingly light, but I just don't like it for some reason.

REGARDLESS, back to your question: presuming that the blade end is light, that is supposed to help stick handling (at least, that's what the experts say). The idea, as I understand it, is that the weight of the puck becomes more noticeable while on your blade.

even tho i bought an sl i agree with you 100% lighter is not better!!! right now im using my syntheis with sicore blade and its a good weight, not to heavy but not to light. being light did not help my stickhandling <_< id like to try an endure and adrenaline tho i think they would be good sticks

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Cavs, how does the SL feel compare to the ST?

Does the ST have improved feel over the previous Synergy models?

In my use the ST feels chunky, the SL smooth. It's the diff. between Sergei Berezin's stride and Alex Mogilny's, basically

As for the assumption that the SL is not durable, I have said it before and said it again, they are diesel. Machines, and although mine has been on its last legs for a while, I can still use it and have it perform.

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No, that was just a first gen problem. It will chip from wear and tear, but not from being rubbed by your finger (like my first gen did)

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I have a stealth and I must say that with all the hype and hoopla swirling around it that it is very much so a dissapointment. If you gonna drop serious cash on a OPS get a Adrenaline or XXX


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the grip stops right at the fade(from what ive seen) so it will chip just like every other new synergy

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Sure NP. First off the stick does not shoot like it claims, it also has the shaft dimensions of a intermediate stick, It feels way too light and is not a stick that warrents a almost 2 bill price tag. For those reasons I call it a dissapointment.


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No, that was just a first gen problem. It will chip from wear and tear, but not from being rubbed by your finger (like my first gen did)

Thanks, but...how do you tell the difference in the store?

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All of the ones in the store should be 2nd gen ones now, the 1st gens are gone. I know for Stealths, the fade and shade of the fade was different, but I'm not aware of any differences between SL's. Just trust your LHS

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Sure NP. First off the stick does not shoot like it claims, it also has the shaft dimensions of a intermediate stick, It feels way too light and is not a stick that warrents a almost 2 bill price tag. For those reasons I call it a dissapointment.


maybe you had the wrong curve or something. or maybe you cant shoot.

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I don't particularly like my Stealth. However, I feel a lot of the reasons I don't like it are because of PP. First off, I hate the curve on it (Modo). Secondly, I don't like the flex (100). Thirdly, I can't get a good length on it for some reason. I only have a few plugs, and without cutting them down any more, nothing feels right. I know this is just me being lazy, and I don't really hold that against the stick. With all that said, I think the stick is good, just not great. Compared to my first generation Synergy which has the exact same specs as the Stealth, I'd say its a toss up. The Stealth is not a bad stick at all, and I'm sure I would really like it if I had it exactly how I want it (Drury 85). But because I got it through the toy drive, I feel I have absolutely no room to complain.

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I know its not a big deal but I was just wondering if the paint still chips off the bottum of the SL Grips..or does the grip protect it a little?

The texture on the red paint is diff from the blue accually the red chips more easy than the blue.

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Sure NP. First off the stick does not shoot like it claims, it also has the shaft dimensions of a intermediate stick, It feels way too light and is not a stick that warrents a almost 2 bill price tag. For those reasons I call it a dissapointment.


maybe you had the wrong curve or something. or maybe you cant shoot.

Ive been using Sakic/Clone like patterns for yrs, and I can shoot a puck ;p


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sorry to brink the topic back....but i migth be up for a brand new SL...i'm using a sicore blade...how would you compare the feel of a sicore blade to a SL blade??


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i just wanna add.. I got my SL couple week ago and absolutely love it :D Now I haven't tried the Stealth so I cant compare.. but Im liking the SL too much to even look at a stealth ;) now just gotta get used to the forsberg curve (from a bouwmeester) heehee

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I've had my SL since late May and was very pleased with feel and balance. Just the other day it was time to pull the tape off the blade. The tape was only 2 games old but I like to keep it fresh. Sure enough, my usual blade fracture had just started. I didn't mind this happening after 7,8,9 months on the SiCore or Gold Grip but this pissed me off. I read about everyone else's durability issues with SL, add me to the list.

Fortunately, I had a Vapor XXX on hand in 77 flex Sr P02 Samsonov. I taped that up and used it last night. The V XXX felt every bit as good as the SL. Now it will just be a durability issue.

I'm not getting alot of customers in the shop complaining about their new Easton OPS's but I sure do read alot about problems on MSH. Any other comments?


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I'm not getting alot of customers in the shop complaining about their new Easton OPS's but I sure do read alot about problems on MSH. Any other comments?


People around here seem to accept a lack of durability from Easton products that they don't tolerate from other brands.

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I'm not getting alot of customers in the shop complaining about their new Easton OPS's but I sure do read alot about problems on MSH. Any other comments?


People around here seem to accept a lack of durability from Easton products that they don't tolerate from other brands.

I don't believe that is a true statement at all. Many Vapor XX skates users accept a lack of durability from the skate and came back for the XXX. Easton has the largest market share of OPS's and are far and away the most accessible for purchase.

What are some products that 'people around here' don't accept a lack of durability from?

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I'm not getting alot of customers in the shop complaining about their new Easton OPS's but I sure do read alot about problems on MSH. Any other comments?


People around here seem to accept a lack of durability from Easton products that they don't tolerate from other brands.

Generally speaking, I've noticed that too, it's damned weird.....

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