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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Visor modification

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I have quite a few Itech Pro visors, and was wondering if anyone has ever modified theirs. In my opinion it's a tad bit long, so I was going to take a dremel to one of them to cut it down a bit. I was also going to round off the edge for safety. I know this will cut down on strength, but how much? In other words, if i take a nice elbow to the face, or a stick to the face, is the visor going to break?


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I did it to one of mine, the only problem is making sure you can get the edges nice and smooth.

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Cool, Thanks. I'm sure I have a dremel bit that will round off the edges. If not, I'll pick one up, plus some really fine sandpaper.

As long as you get it close, you can flip it over and put the factory finished edge on the bottom.

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One trick to get a smoother edge is to put masking tape on the visor, draw the cut line in pencil on that. You'll get a smoother cut.

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I did the same thing. Used tape to mask off where I was cutting, used a Dremel, THEN took a bench grinder to it. Came out looking JUST like a factory job.

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must use tape. the cutoff blades from the dremel will melt the plastic. the tape cuts down on heat and the plastic will stick to the tape instead of the visor. use the fiberglass blades. when i did my first one i went through 5 of the standard disks. when you buy your sandpaper look for grit #320 or higher.

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I'll be the voice of reason...don't do it! Any beneifts are lost on the dramatic decrease in safety.

Itech visors are designed as closely to safety standards as possible.

Eyes cannot be replaced.

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I'll be the voice of reason...don't do it! Any beneifts are lost on the dramatic decrease in safety.

Itech visors are designed as closely to safety standards as possible.

Eyes cannot be replaced.

But they fit too closely for those of us with massive beaks. If they made one like the Oakley straight small I would be in heaven.

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Sorry to bump an old thread, but I am planning on modifying my visor and was thinking of just using a dremel tool. Does anyone know which dremel blade/cutting tool would work best?

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I was wanting to make one look like they Hossa/Kovalchuk modified visors, but I don't know exactly the shapes. Any advice? I know there is one on ebay to go by but still I am cautious.

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Sorry to bump an old thread, but I am planning on modifying my visor and was thinking of just using a dremel tool. Does anyone know which dremel blade/cutting tool would work best?

fiberglass see my post eariler

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Sorry I am not all to familiar with the dremel cutting bits. Is the bit you are talking about made specially for cutting fiberglass or is made out of fiberglass? What does it look like?

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I cut 2 visors both were the Itech Aviators down to a shape similar to the Gaborik. I used a Band Saw after I measured it out with sewing ruler and marked it with masking tape. then once I had it fully cut I used regular old files to shave it down and make it not sharp.

My tinted visor on my RBK 8K:


The 2 on the right have the custom visor:


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