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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Jason Harris

Chadd, Man of 10000 Posts

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It's become quickly obvious that I'm a man of too many words, so I appreciate someone after my own heart.

I noticed that Chadd is creeping up on the milestone of 10000 posts. Given he's sincere in his opinions, that's very impressive, So I decided to make a contest to commemorate the occasion.

The rules are simple. Give us the date and time (EST) at which Chadd makes his ten-thousandth post. Whoever is closest either way wins a free pair of 2004 Salming PG1 gloves, including US shipping costs. (You'll have to cover the difference in shipping if you're out of the US.) I'll throw in a bonus if you pick the right forum. What an opportunity this is to determine how good a buddy you are of Chadd's, since he could pick and choose when he wants to post.

My vote doesn't count, but I'll start it off anyway. I say Chadd makes his ten-thousandth post on Saturday, June 25 at 4:12 PM EST. And for the bonus, I say he won't be able to resist and will come into this forum to make it! ;)

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June 23rd, 1:00 AM.  Ice Hockey.  And I bet he'll be telling someone to  search because their question has already been answered.


I'll say June 21 at 9:30 am EST in NHL Discussions

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Junde 23rd, 11:27am, my time EST. It'll be in the Ice hockey forum, obviously an answer to a question and it will be about how that product is selling in his area and his likes/dislikes about it.

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I say it'll be June 25th, 11:45 EST, Ice Hockey Forum. He hasnt been uppin the post count lately, I think It'll take a few more days lol

EDIT: I meant 11:45 AM

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