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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Jason Harris

Chadd, Man of 10000 Posts

Recommended Posts

sryhockeyguy 24-Jun 10:35 PM Ice Hockey

sherwood21 25-Jun 11:45 Ice Hockey

SalmingUSA 25-Jun 4:12 PM Chadd

hocckey77 25-Jun 5:54 PM Ice Hockey

hockeyfalcons456 25-Jun 7:44 PM Ice Hockey

utvolsfan007 25-Jun 11:07 PM Ice Hockey

Buzz_LightBeer 25-Jun 11:48 PM Ice Hockey

UMWhockey 25-Jun 11:58 PM Ice Hockey

#94 26-Jun 3:19 PM Ice Hockey

notorious#29 26-Jun 6:29 PM Ice Hockey

mnhockey14 26-Jun 6:53 PM Misc

whbd18 26-Jun 7:26 PM Ice Hockey

Kovy_Ribs_Fedo 26-Jun 9:00 PM Ice Hockey

Sniper15 27-Jun 7:15 Chadd

Adam91 27-Jun 11:04 Ice Hockey

Sticks of Fury 27-Jun 2:00 PM Ice Hockey

sniper94 27-Jun 3:00 PM Ice Hockey

colonials22 27-Jun 10:00 PM Ice Hockey

delpiero81 28-Jun 11:00 AM Ice Hockey

freq019 4-Jul 1:00 PM Misc

Updated list

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wow, i still have a chance to win!

but 1 post in ~17 hrs. dosn't seem like it will work in my favor.

i assume that Sherwood means AM for his guess

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Of course.....This site isnt supposed to be for "advertising" not that salming is hes just being a nice guy, but he'd prob rather see him make money for his company rather than just to give the gloves away....Very generous if you ask me :)

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Winner will be buzzlightbeer. Just a guess.

BTW, updated list.

hocckey77 25-Jun 5:54 PM Ice Hockey

hockeyfalcons456 25-Jun 7:44 PM Ice Hockey

utvolsfan007 25-Jun 11:07 PM Ice Hockey

Buzz_LightBeer 25-Jun 11:48 PM Ice Hockey

UMWhockey 25-Jun 11:58 PM Ice Hockey

#94 26-Jun 3:19 PM Ice Hockey

notorious#29 26-Jun 6:29 PM Ice Hockey

mnhockey14 26-Jun 6:53 PM Misc

whbd18 26-Jun 7:26 PM Ice Hockey

Kovy_Ribs_Fedo 26-Jun 9:00 PM Ice Hockey

Sniper15 27-Jun 7:15 Chadd

Adam91 27-Jun 11:04 Ice Hockey

Sticks of Fury 27-Jun 2:00 PM Ice Hockey

sniper94 27-Jun 3:00 PM Ice Hockey

colonials22 27-Jun 10:00 PM Ice Hockey

delpiero81 28-Jun 11:00 AM Ice Hockey

freq019 4-Jul 1:00 PM Misc

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Kudo's to Jason for giving free goodies to the community, and to Chadd as well for making such an interesting game of this.

p.s., Chadd, you have my permission to modify this entry if you'd like to reach out from beyond the grave (post) to taunt ....

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....and to Chadd as well for making such an interesting game of this.

You know it's got to be one of those "scales" type decision. On the one hand, it's gotta be fun making people sweat. On the other hand, you know there have probably been about twenty topics he wanted to respond to! :P

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lol i wish i had enterd this comp i thought it was saying he had his 10,000th and congrats post so i ignored it because i thought i had already said something in it :(

i would have got it wrong though i would have just added his average posts a day on to the date

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lol i wish i had enterd this comp i thought it was saying he had his 10,000th and congrats post so i ignored it because i thought i had already said something in it :(

i would have got it wrong though i would have just added his average posts a day on to the date

Thats what I did. It obviously didn't work out too well.

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As someone said, there had to have been several topics which he wanted to reply too but just couldn't. I think he's just itching to get that one over with. Has he been in chat at all to talk about it?

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Watch hes not going to use his 10000th post untill sometime next week,

Probably, considering I thought he would've posted today about something

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In that case, this is for Chadd:


What are you holding now?

A six-pack.

A six-pack? BRILLIANT! What does it do?

Well, I figured out how to carry six beers at the same time

Carry six beers at the same time? BRILLIANT! Let's drink them...

You know.... I've been thinking. It might not be the smartest idea to drink six beers all at the same time.

Don't drink six beers at the same time? BRILLIANT!


SO: Here's tipping one for you, Chadd!


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In that case, this is for Chadd:


What are you holding now?

A six-pack.

A six-pack? BRILLIANT! What does it do?

Well, I figured out how to carry six beers at the same time

Carry six beers at the same time? BRILLIANT! Let's drink them...

You know.... I've been thinking. It might not be the smartest idea to drink six beers all at the same time.

Don't drink six beers at the same time? BRILLIANT!


SO: Here's tipping one for you, Chadd!


YOU.....are the Master, bud! :)

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Chadd, what's your other account name? ;) :)

JR or any mods, I suggest you check the ip address to find out the answer ;)

Updated list:

notorious#29 26-Jun 6:29 PM Ice Hockey

mnhockey14 26-Jun 6:53 PM Misc

whbd18 26-Jun 7:26 PM Ice Hockey

Kovy_Ribs_Fedo 26-Jun 9:00 PM Ice Hockey

Sniper15 27-Jun 7:15 Chadd

Adam91 27-Jun 11:04 Ice Hockey

Sticks of Fury 27-Jun 2:00 PM Ice Hockey

sniper94 27-Jun 3:00 PM Ice Hockey

colonials22 27-Jun 10:00 PM Ice Hockey

delpiero81 28-Jun 11:00 AM Ice Hockey

freq019 4-Jul 1:00 PM Misc

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I think it's hilarious that he has dragged this out this far. If he isn't posting under another name, he's just sitting at home, reading and laughing at us all.

When was the last time Chadd went 2 1/2 days without positng *L*

btw, will one of you guys put up a roll of tape as a prize when I hit 1,000?

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