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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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If I select white as the main colour, and white as the print colour, will there be no print or a black outline? Also, when ordering it says Required Shipping Date, I'm not sure what I would enter there. Thanks.

I would assume when you need them? Kinda misleading :huh:

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I thank you for bringing up the fact that the outline color is missing on the customizer, We will correct this.

As for the required date; this is more wish date, we confirm all delivery dates via e-mail.

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We are set-up for custom orders so our turn around time will always be less then 2 weeks out our door delivery. Some custom orders may take a little longer. (i.e. very large size or very large orders!)

2 weeks!! wow that amazing. i think eagle takes like 12 + weeks for their custom gloves

it depends for eagle, it took 4-5 weeks for mine.

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noticed that the the cuff extensions were not on the customizer. i could not select the model of gloves. what sizes are the extension available in? the link to sticks did not work as well.

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The palms are leather with a special print that enhances the grip, I find these to have the best feel for composite sticks that have a smooth finish.

The Number on the thumb is a classic and you are right it is not on the customizer,

I might put it on the new customizer if the demand is there.

We can make pretty much do anything with hockey gloves, If a customer wants something that is different then what is on the customizer we can certainly discuss it over the phone or by email.

1 877 888-5908 or info@miasports.com

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The Mb11 is a scaled down version of the MB22, It has a narrow base and a shorter cuff, It is perfect for player who want tight gloves for quick hand movement,

(i.e alfredsson, fedorov and hull)

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I think they have their currencies backwards $228 CA = 280US??? did the economies of the world flip overnight!!

I am super surprised based on prior experience with those "americans" north of the US border that they would even want to say Made In America when we seem to draw their ire on a daily basis

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Will there be a more detailed order form with more options as far as colour combos, so we can order gloves with similar colour patters to those?

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yes, but in this case mia=made in america

Actually, made in Canada

Isn't MIA a term used by the government for those "Missing In Action?"

I have a few friends with relatives who were in the military, some of whom were listed as MIA for years, who are actually quite offended.

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