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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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most painful off ice injury

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what is the most painful injury youve receieved from playing ball hockey with friends or shooting a ball around in a store?

i just received my most painful event. my buddy was using those bouncy balls that are red/blue and a white stripe going around the middle. he was using a gaborik curve and he just did quick snapper and bagged me dead on in the you know where. :o

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I was playing roller hockey in the street with a friend in 1992 and I lost my balance and fell backwards. I put my right arm out to break my fall and literally broke my arm in half (it was hanging, like I had two elbows). 2 surgeries, 2 plates, 17 screws and 13 years later, It still hurts sometimes.

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i was playing hockey with my brother in the garage and we broke our wood blades so we were using those stupid mylec plastic things, i was in goalie without a helmt, i was probably like 6 or 7 years old and my brother took a wrister and his blade came flying off and caught me dead on right above the eye in the eyebrow and there was blood dripping pretty fast.

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My buddy was shooting a lacrosse ball around with a hockey stick in his basement last year. I was on the phone in the complete opposite end of the room and he teed one up, it hit the corner of the room, and shot straight at me and hit me in the eye. It hurt like hell but nothing serious happened. I think I hurt him more when I consequently threw a puck at his face and hit him in the chest.

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I was playing street hockey in my driveway with a friend of mine. I was the goalie and he ripped a slapper from about 10 feet away. Not a pretty picture.

On another note, on a different day, I took a shot from the end of the driveway and nailed a kid square in the @$$.

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I was playing street hockey with a bunch of friends in a parking lot. A buddy of mine brought one of his friends, John, who had just learned to skate, and had never played hockey before in his life. So a bunch of people show up and the game is going great, I take a pass and begin to take off going towards the other teams goal, when John comes out of nowhere, and not knowing any better, swings his stick like a baseball bat towards me to try and knock the ball away, but insted he hits me in my right foot. I was skating pretty hard at the time, and the hit was hard enough to knock me completely off balance and I went down on my left side, very hard. First thing that hit the ground was my elbow, then my face, then everything else. I slid on my side for about 10 feet before I rolled over a few times. I wasn't wearing any pads (I was too cool to wear pads for street hockey.) My right side was fine, but my entire left side was badly torn up. I needed stiches in my knee, elbow, and face, and I had a pretty nice gash in my right foot where the stick hit me, Not to mention it hurt for weeks. Thankfully everything healed fully.

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me and some guys from my hockey team rented out a gym and where playing floor hockey. i was running for the ball and just innocently rolled my ankle. well it swelled up like crazy and i could barly walk for 2 weeks.

and a long time ago me and some friend where shooting around in my driveway when one of my friends went to slash my stick, but he missed and cought me in the nose. hurt like a b**ch.

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one time i had a breakaway and was just playing shinny at the local rink and my friend was behind me trying to catch me but he threw his stick like a axe and i turned around and hit me right in the nose..hurt alot

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Once I was playing floor hockey at a local gym and some huge 18 year old HUGE kid slapped the ball superhard and I laid down to block it.It hit me right in the butt. I looked kinda lopsided for about a week if you know what I mean. But hey it kept the goal out. Hurt like heck but I didn't let the guys know that.

Another time my friend was missing the net all the time and got really frusterated we were just shooting some pucks and so he starts to swing his stick around. He hit me square in the face like the way you swing an axe. I had a pretty big lump on my forehead for like a week. I had to reajust my helmet. :lol:


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When I was like six, in 95 or so, me and some friends were playing some street ball. I was the only ice player there, so I was cool enough to dangle everyone. :D I ended up getting hit right in the nose with a ball, I was like WTF because we were using barrels on the side as nets! So they're all like "you're tough, you're a hockey player", and I stayed in it. 20 mins later I took a shot to the nads and skated home...

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off ice ive never gotten hurt ,but i have hurt someone. me and my cousin were just shooting around in my car port and i went to take a slapshot and i caught him in the face on the wind up.

on ice i dove for a rebound this year(practise) and i shot the puck in :D but then i landed on the end of my goalies skate blade and yeah ,it was gross ,i had the weeeirdest looking gash on my side ,i couldnt breath and the cut was really close to my vital organs or whatever so if i got too excited id pass out. so i pretty much got stabbed in the side.

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lol, this wasnt bad for me, but i had a friend come over and hes kina a prissy guy, i suited him up in goal, and bam 1st shot (slapper with street ball filled w/ water) hit him in the area, and ....yeah, he abuot cried

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back in 99...championship game for roller hockey, im playing against my friend, and im going in the corner, the kid sticks his stick out, and it gets caught in the fence/2 x 4...goes right up and under my ribs...came back, scored 4 goals to win the championship for my team

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worse was when me and my friends rented out a rink to play at. I was going skating full blast chasing a guy on a breakaway when my skate must of caught his and i went chin first into the floor. first thing i remember was someone said "there is a pool of blood" and me thinking that it was from the other guy until i looked down and saw a steady stream of blood coming from my chin. funny thing was that it didn't really hurt but i could see bone... i think it was because i hit my chin so hard it was super num cause i didn't even feel the needles when they were putting in the stiches.

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I was on a breakaway in out door roller and blew out one of my front wheels trying to stop. Needless to say, i skidded about 15 feet into the boards, and shattered my knee in 5 places. 1 operation, 7 weeks of physical therapy, and my knee still has a cracking sound when i walk :rolleyes:

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Got kicked square in the junk once. He really wound up and must've lifted me. It was one..............ferocious.............kick.

Most pain I've been in my whole life and that was like 18 years ago.

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I was in roller hockey training once, sprinting behind the goal after the ball, and my stick got caught in the boards, hit me in the stomach, and some how ripper a hole in my intestine. not pleasant.

one operation, a 6 inch scar and 6 months later i could play again!

The chick love the scar though :P

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I used to play street hockey with some buds..I once got pegged in the nuts with a slap shot like 5 feet away with an orange ball,I was goalie.I've taken too many wristers to count there.

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theres been quite alot of off ice injurys espeially to a males special parts. keep them coming, id love to hear one different or even a funny one where after it happend you couldnt help but laugh at yourself

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well me and my buddies were playing street hockey i brought out my blades and was skating into get the puck from my friend who was a goalie, well were on a street with parked cars and such so im about 10 feet away from a parked van and im goin to get the ball and my friend slides out infront of me about 5 feet away from the van, i go over him and smoke the van head on.... hurt like a muther trucker, but we could laugh at it after i got up.

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I guess this isn't hockey, but this was probably the worst pain ever. It actually happening didn't hurt too much, but the muscle spasms I had after it hurt so much, like you can't even describe it. It's gotten a lot better though, and I've been able to skate for a while now


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January of 1995 I was playing ball hockey with my friends at the middle school next to my house. We were playing with one of those mylec balls, the one that was designed for the summer. (ROCK hard) So ontop of the ball already being hard, it was 20 degrees outside, so the ball got even harder. my friend takes a slap shot that soars right up and bangs me right in the chin. I thought nothing of it and then I noticed the blood flying from my chin. So I went to the hospital and got 14 stitches. The next week the stitches came off and I was right back at it. Once again the same friend takes a slapshot and hits me on the other side of my chin...4 stitches there. After that I refused to play hockey with him.

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