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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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stick flex..

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I'm 5'10" and about 175, pretty average size - I'm using a whip flex XN10, whip flex Response Red Lite shaft and an 85 flex Mission M-1 currently. I can flip-flop between them without screwing myself up.

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5'7 140lbs and i use an 85 flex but it has been cut down a bit. then i added a plug my other stick is an 85also cut down because of my size plus i like my sticks a little shorter

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im like 5'8 160 and an 85 feels good just shooting around and in shinny hockey...i have a good snapper and everything feels fine...however when i really play i feel like the 85 buckles like in the corners, it seems like all of a sudden my shots bow out, and all in all it just feels weak flimsy...for that reason i stick w/ 100 flex. i dont know if the reason is that in games i just put a little more muscle in everything but i dont know...

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6'3" 250lbs and I use a 100 Easton for ice and 260 Inno for roller. I also have about a 5" end plug in both which I'm sure affects the stiffness somehow.

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I'm about 5'4 140lbs and I use a Inno 380 flex. I mainly take snappers, and rarely every take slapshots so I can stand a whippier flex. For slapshots I like my Mission 8-5.

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6'2'' 210lbs....I like using a 90-95 flex. I used to play with a guy on the Windsor Spitfires (Johnathan Sciacca) so he gets me sticks every now and then. Apparently his Easton rep is a nice guy and let him give 2 sticks to some of his friends. Yay for me! It was awesome, he called me up and said, "Dan what curve and flex do you like on your sticks?" I told him what I liked and ended up with a new Stealth and SL!!! Can't wait to try them in my summer league.

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I'm 5"6" 130 pounds and i can shoot with almost any flex, but my favorite 2 sticks are 85 flex (easton), thats probably a tad bit stiff for me, but it goes good so.....

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brett hull uses about easton 62-65 which translates to 440 innovative. he uses the whippiest stick by far. but he as loads the stick before he recives the pass. so in one motion he recives the pass and shoots. that is why his wrister is the best in hockey.

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