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Biggest hockey pet peeve....

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I have to say guys that play dirty. It drives me nuts when I play by the rules and they think they don't have to.

Also, the people that take it so seriously and fight because they think they're tough. Its a game, I pay to play, I don't get paid to play.

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1) The 'Tough Guy' - There's a kid in our league who's about 24 or so.. He's about 5'10" and maybe 180lbs.. He's an absolute shrimp. He can barely skate. He doesn't play his position. But boy, he's the first guy to call himself the 'enforcer' on his team.. What a joke.. In one game, one of my team's best players ran into their team's best player. It wasn't really an intentional hit by either guy, but it was a good collusion and both guys got in each other's face afterwards. That's where it stopped though, there were no PIM's and they didn't even push each other.. Well, the next shift comes up and their 'enforcer' comes out and grabs our guy's jersey and starts throwing 'punches' Our guy just held his left hand against the guys collar and let him flail away. The guy lost his balance and fell down while my teammate skated casually away.. The 'enforcer' got kicked out of the game (and eventually the league) and our guy didn't even get 2:00.. Both teams and the refs were laughing and joking about the entire thing the whole time...

2) 'Gretzky' - my leauge is mixed skill. I get really, really pissed when a former NCAA or CHL guy scores 6 goals in a game and celebrates every single one - whether he's on my team or not.. I expect a guy to go 100% if the outcome of the game is in doubt, but when you've got a 3 goal lead in the first period and your team has more goals than the other team has shots? Come on.. Everyone knows you're a ringer, forget about scoring goals and try to set up your teammates that don't get the puck too often..

3) 'The Dynasty' - Related to #2.. Imagine a team full of 'Gretzkys'.. They regularly get more goals than thier opponents get shots and the league leadership does nothing to correct it..

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"Practice" vs "game" player is a different topic, Chippa....

General Hockey Discussions


Gotcha, was just following up with JR about his preference on pickup vs. league games.

Sorry, bud, I was only kidding ya, but inflection doesn't translate well in Ariel 12 font..... :P

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"Practice" vs "game" player is a different topic, Chippa....

General Hockey Discussions


Gotcha, was just following up with JR about his preference on pickup vs. league games.

Sorry, bud, I was only kidding ya, but inflection doesn't translate well in Ariel 12 font..... :P

I recognized it but for the sake of others I figured I'd explain. Some of these kids just don't get things.

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Besides just bad reffing in general I can't stand it when refs make stupid calls and they know there wrong and they won't admit it.

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Parents who yell and scream at house league games ages 13-14 and up. I was at a local rink, a 4 pad for shinny, I look over at when I hear a bunch of parents screaming at the top of their lungs at 13-15 year old kids who can't skate and shoot/stick handle at the same time.

Parents who brag about their kid or make excuses for them while they're watching a game saying "oh johnny's so awesome when it comes to skating" or "what's wrong with him? he never plays like this" but you are well aware that their kid is terrible.

People who show up drunk or high to any kind of hockey and sit there and brag about it.

People who don't pay for shinny.

People who bring their friends who don't play hockey to shinny.

People who can't skate wearing T'blades or using a Stealth.

aaaaand people who wear different sized equipment. (best example would be huge pants and tiny shin pads)

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I hate the college guys that come to pickup and take 15min shifts when the benches are 5-10 people deep. Also rec league guys who are going for the scoring title.

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i. Kids who think their the next "crosby"

ii. refer to i. and try to hit you and in the process hurt themselves.

iii.when you and you buddies are just screwing around in pick up( trying to do the kessel- move where he jumps around the d) and parents of the younger kids yell at you/call you a hotdog or such other names.

iiii. when your off your game.

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iii.when you and you buddies are just screwing around in pick up( trying to do the kessel- move where he jumps around the d) and parents of the younger kids yell at you/call you a hotdog or such other names.

I will say that if you do that to people you don't know, prepare to be knocked on your ass...not you per se..but people in general..I can't stand when people think that shinny is a license to show off but if you play the body..about the only thing you can do in that situation..they get all indignant

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One thing I forgot to mention-

3 weeks ago I was playing pick up, and only one goaltender showed up (arggh :angry:) and we were playing "posts" while he was our goaltender. The general rule of thumb where we play is "first team to three goals or posts switches sides." So, the other team was stacked with a few college guys, and right away they start schooling us. They score 3 right off the bat and the goaltender, an older guy doesn't switch. So then they score another couple on us, and I skate over to him -

Me - "Hey you want to switch ends now?"

Him - "No, not yet."

I thought "okay…..whatever." and skated away.

Fast forward about an hour and 20 goals for them later, and he still hasn't switched. So I skate over to him again.

Me - "Hey, switch ends now."

Him -"No."

Me - "We only have a half hour left. We haven't shot on you yet. That's not fair to me and the rest of these guys (pointing to my bench).

Him - "I'm only going to stick around for 10 more minutes anyway."

At this point I was pissed and it took a lot for me not to start saying shit to him. I kept my cool.

Me - That's weak, man.

He didn't respond. He ended up staying for the rest of pick-up and he did switch and let us shoot on him- for the last 5 minutes when the ice was all chewed up and their good guys had left the ice.

SOOO, last week it's the same situation with the same asshole goaltender. This time we had a stronger team, but the other team had a couple of the same college guys, and again he wouldn't switch. This time around my bench was more vocal and we were all jawing at him to switch. It got so bad that a few of us wouldn't even defend when a guy would come in and we would just let the college guys dismantle him…lol. He didn't seem to like that too much. ;)

Luckily a second goaltender showed up and that guy even stuck around when everyone left the ice and let a few of us take shots on him for an extra half hour.

Sorry for the rant….I needed to get that out :)

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lol...also -

When a guy who has either a)played juniors or b)played college and is clearly the best player on the ice shows off by coming down the wing and taking slap shots EVERY SINGLE TIME.

It's like "Yeah, we know you have a nice shot. We get it." :angry:

I was playing pick-up a couple months ago against this guy who would do just that- it didn't matter if it was a 2 on 1, 2 on 0, 3 on 1, etc. He would just blast it by the goaltender everytime. What a douchebag. <_<

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About the same, when the other team decides not to show for a game and doesn't tell the league so your team winds up showing.

Yeah but at least you get to skate/practice. But it does kind of suck if you're pumped for a game or if you miss something because you were supposed to have a game and they flake on you.

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lol...also -

When a guy who has either a)played juniors or b)played college and is clearly the best player on the ice shows off by coming down the wing and taking slap shots EVERY SINGLE TIME.

It's like "Yeah, we know you have a nice shot. We get it." :angry:

I was playing pick-up a couple months ago against this guy who would do just that- it didn't matter if it was a 2 on 1, 2 on 0, 3 on 1, etc. He would just blast it by the goaltender everytime. What a douchebag. <_<

yeah that would be annoying as hell... but i love playing against major superstars... as long as they don't shoot, whenever i get close to them... i want to practice on better players... gets your skill level up faster... :D

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Fletch, the teams could have switched ends -- that's what we do when there's one goalie. Now, if the goalie switches to match, you know you have a real jerk on your hands.

Regarding guys with slapshots, I staged a tournament last year and had a conversation with a guy before we started. He was wondering about the contact, and something he said made me respond, "Well, not everybody weights 240."

"240? I weigh 310."

Wow. So another guy comes up while we're talking, then asked, "Hey, did you play at the Promenade last summer?.....I thought so. You broke my cup in half with one of your shots!"

Guys were saying the only redeeming factor was this guy was slow to wind up, but if he did, get the hell out of the way! A really nice guy, though, which is important when he weighs a hundred pounds more than the rest of us. ;)

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just about everything that has allready been said! i really hate it when theres an obvious open pass and the guy doesnt take it because he wants to score and then he doesnt. i could think of more but like i said, just about everythigns been brought up.

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yeah that would be annoying as hell... but i love playing against major superstars... as long as they don't shoot, whenever i get close to them... i want to practice on better players... gets your skill level up faster... :D

Oh definitely. If I see that I am going to be on the team that has all the talent, I'll switch so I can play against them. That's the only to really improve your all-around game, IMO.

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My biggest pet peeve has to do with the kids i coach. I HATE what players slap at the puck when they make a pass. I preach soft hands when receiving the pass as well. other than that, short strides piss me off as well

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Fletch, the teams could have switched ends -- that's what we do when there's one goalie. Now, if the goalie switches to match, you know you have a real jerk on your hands.

Nah, he clearly only wanted to face those guys because they were better than us and presented more of a challenge. Which is understandable to a point, but come on....it's pick up ya know? I have been playing hockey for 15 years and that was the first time I had seen a goaltender refuse to switch it up.

He sucked though, and it wasn't like our team was full of beginners. We would have lit him up.

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My biggest pet peeves when it comes to hockey:

1) Bad officiating - Nothing like having officials who call the game differently for different abilities. i.e. our top scorer getting mugged by the other team and the ref lets it go because "he should be able to play through that"

2) Rec hockey players who use an Easton Stealth. Your shot may be 1 MPH faster but let's see you try and take a pass. sheesh.

3) Players who give you a shove from behind when you're racing to the corner for a puck. It's just a matter of no respect for the other player. It would be really easy for a guy to fall the wrong way and break his neck on the boards/glass so why bother doing it?

4) Players who line up other players in no check leagues. These guys frequently get the elbow raised by me when they try to line me up.

5) Players who play me dirty simply because they aren't strong enough to move me. i.e. slashes on your ankle, getting speared in the laces, getting hooked in the cup. You know, the fun stuff.

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Hockey must be a really great game if we keep playing despite all these pet peeves! Risk of injury, crazy spectators, bad officiating, lack of teamwork, etc.

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