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Biggest hockey pet peeve....

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Guys who wear a molson beer shirt for a jersey, has a mean mullet and wears a mouthguard in non contact roller hockey. Then continues to hit, and rub people out on the boards like its the show. Then says "what you think im scared of you, are you serious". when you hit him back. O.k so its just this one guy who pisses me off.

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Sorry if knowing what position you were playing is too much for you to handle in pick up.

Sorry if reading a play and filling an empty lane is too much for people to handle in pick up. I learned to do this when I was what? 6 years old? Maybe if you were watching the play you would actually see what side of the ice I was on predominantly for the entire shift and not need to ask.

2. People that complain about stupid crap like jerseys in pickup.

3. Roller hockey: aka, a game where i can jerk around flipping the puck in the air and not get hit like its a damn circus.

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Kids who shoot for the top corners all the time and wind up shooting over the net.

Kids who ask for a lipper and pack it for an hour and then throw in a tiny guy... that just sends me over the edge...

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whats wrong with not playing a position in pickup? i basically just skate around doing random stuff(take an open man ,check a guy ,support ,help D) until our team gets the puck ,then im gone. but i never stick to a position because its just for fun.

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Is red dark? How about green? Blue? What shade? "Hey guys...today, Red, Green and Black are Dark. Blue, Yellow and White are Light." Is it so FREAKIN hard to pick up a white or black jersey?! Maybe they don't have enough Bling for today's players, I don't know...

After spending $600 on sticks, they're not gonna have any money left over to buy a $15 black or white jersey.

Also hate guys at pick up that have a $200 stick, no shoulder pads, and no face mask, then get pissed at me when we are fighting for the puck and I hit their stick while trying to get the puck or if I block their shot and it almost hits them in the face and they say "Hey i'm not wearing any protection here!". Especially when I'm not wearing a face mask either, but its the chance we all take. Assume the risks, or get the protection or don't play.

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There's one guy at drop in who takes 8 minute shifts, even after he's clearly dragging. Its just not cool.

He'd get just as much time taking shorter shifts.

My other pet peeve is when you have a clear mismatch and its time to even up the teams so its more competitive, and two or three guys absolutely require that they be on the same team, like they were Jr. High school girls or something.

Be a man. Drop in is for a good skate, whether your buddy is on your line or on the other team.

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Kids who are on their knees for the team cappy for the whole season

How almost everyone around here thinks roller is as good as ice

Kids who only talk about Junior

Getting smoked by 5'4 kids..it happens

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whats wrong with not playing a position in pickup? i basically just skate around doing random stuff(take an open man ,check a guy ,support ,help D) until our team gets the puck ,then im gone. but i never stick to a position because its just for fun.

because other guys do play position and d-men usually hate it when they think someone is gonna be where they are supposed to and they're not.

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Hipster I agree 100%, When my friends and I play against eachother we go balls out against one another in the context of the pick up because A. We are always trying to improve eachother and B. We love to kick the crap out of eachother.

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My biggest pet peeve is definetly the refs...not that i thought this was bad for me but for other players but i was getting kicked out for like giving the ref the finger and like trying to fight some kid, the ref brought me back onto the ice which ended up in a bench brawl and the ref trying to hold me down but i was going nuts and it was just a huge brawl so like yeah pet peeve is refs lettin the game out of control

Also, i hate gettin slashes in the back of the leg like i was on a breakaway and this kid two handed me in the back of the knee so of course i fell and yeah that pisses me off lol

And guys who hit the goalie on purpose after the whistle to try and start something up

Oh ya and last coaches who think theyre son is great and play them all the time even though he sucks

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Kids who wear equipment 2 sizes too big, in order to make themselves look bigger.

Man that annoys me and it is also dangerous.Also dads who will dish out $200 for a stick but buy their kids $100 skates that are 2 sizes too big so they"have room to grow" 95% of bad ankle problems are from ill fitting skates.


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in rec hockey i hate teams who run up the score. When its 10-1 with a minute left theres no reason to be going balls out and firing shots from anywhere at a goalie whos already been demoralized. (We had a brutal goalie on my rec team) I'm not saying don't try but give the guy a break

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Coaches who don't like players to wear any number above 30! Perry94, your photo reminded me of this. Let the guys wear whatever number they want. Hey, the Canadiens have a guy wearing #71 and I don't think he asked for it! But, the Habs-- I'll wear any number they give me to skate for them!

Parents in the stands who don't have a clue. They think they know the game from watching it on TV. They think they know the rulebook but probably can't read. I used to ref so when watching games by the glass I would bait them and tell them their kid should become a ref! I used to tell them become part of the solution, instead of being part of the problem. They could never handle that line.

When I was a ref: Caoches who wouldn't shut up from the bench. "Hey ref, that's not a penalty!!" I would say " Oh yeah, and if your kid just got nailed into the wall from behind and I didn't call it, that would be OK, too." That usually shut'em up for a bit.

Players who stand around in pick-up and never come off because they aren't "tired." Maybe if you skated up and down the ice, you would get tired.

Playing pick-up with some young guns who can't figure out when to dial it down on the old-timers. I've got news for them: They will be old sooner than they think.

Guys who feel the need to throw the elbow in pick-up. Do you want me to take your knee out? Let me know and we can get this over with right now.

Slapshots from inside the circles. Whats's the point?

Goalies who don't want to play pick-up if there is only one at the rink. Those goalies usually blow anyway and could use the work!

And finally, PUCK HOGS! When did you pay more than me for this pick-up game? Pass the biscuit, buster!

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goalies......They have all that damn padding on and they can check you which I dont hink they can do (or at least the ref that was dong my game thought it was fine) yet you cant do anything to them..Bunch of babies if you ask me....I broke his 180.00 R+ golaie stick so I was happy though :).....

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Cherry pickers piss me off to no end. No class at all, especially when you're already winning by 5.

Also, guys who carry the puck up the ice, then cut across the ice or try to make a move right at the blue line. That, or guys who pass at the blue line. Get the dam puck OVER the line first! You're going to throw everyone offsides.

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I'm kinda new so I haven't run into alot of the other stuff yet. But there is are a few things that I have run into:

That wonderful hockey


Criminey folks! Is it really that hard to take your equipment out of your bag at the end of the day??? Were you SO tired that you couldn't at least dump your stuff out onto the floor, let alone take it out of the trunk of your car???


Also, please don't tell me it's all "personal preference" (PP). There ARE differences between things like sticks, skates, pads, etc . If you can't figure out the difference between one and another then maybe you aren't qualified to offer your opinion.

And another thing: don't gimme this "It's just hockey" bullsh!t. If something ticks you off about hockey be a man and change it. Even if its being the only one that blazes a trail, take comfort in the fact that you have made the world better.

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You can suggest to your colleagues that they try Funk Free. I try to air my equipment out even though I use FF, but sometimes there are too many boxes in the way to my preferred spot. During those times in which the bag remained closed, the equipment smells fine, although the cotton shirt that had remained in there admittedly starts the geiger counter moving.

So, for those guys who let their equipment bake in the car, a X-Mas present could sadly be in order....


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I guess my post got deleted because I was a little abrasive so I apologize. I only wrote that to vent coming home from a 15-1 loss in a tournament. But I absolutely hate it when higher level players play in lower divisions just to win an easier championship.

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