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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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My new Baby

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Buzz,are you like filthy rich or something,first 76 sticks, then a really nice car?

Nah, he just loots the burning houses he's supposed to be hosing down. ;)

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my dad has the new disco 3 and it isnt as good as buzzez as it only has 1 tv! lol

and i think i like rear doors better on your disco buzz...and the chairs!


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Yeh but the range rover (if its the sport your talking about) is about 6month old if that!

Buzz will you be taking it off road?

Range Rovers cost a lot more than discovery's.

No, I was talking about the regular one.($70k)

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Sad thing about RR/LR's is that they probably have the quickest depreciation of any vehicle. $70,000 msrp, next year it'll go for ~$20,000.

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nice truck buzz :D

how's the engine? i heard discos were really underpowered, especially for how heavy they are.

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