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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Best Mouthguard

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God...its pretty obviouus hes gonna do the custom....but to all you others complaining about shock doctors,,,,,,havnt you guys heard of making your own customed one? just put the mouth gaurd in boiling water for fifteen seconds...put it in your mouth..doesnt burn you....then in cold water for fifteen seconds, put it in your mouth...let it sit and it formed to you teeth :)

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God...its pretty obviouus hes gonna do the custom....but to all you others complaining about shock doctors,,,,,,havnt you guys heard of making your own customed one? just put the mouth gaurd in boiling water for fifteen seconds...put it in your mouth..doesnt burn you....then in cold water for fifteen seconds, put it in your mouth...let it sit and it formed to you teeth :)

It's not the same.

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Ditto on the custom. The only down side is my dentist said his custom wouldn't prevent consussions, so are there different customs out there? Mine just fits on my top teeth, fits great mind you, but I have a shock doctor that seems to pay attention to the bottom teeth also. Having said that, I could never get my shock doctor to fit like the custom. Hell, the custom feels like it's gonna pull my teeth out when I take it out.

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Don't frorget XLR8's. Designed by dentists, company owned by Dentists. One of the best mouthguards short of a custom.

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Don't frorget XLR8's. Designed by dentists, company owned by Dentists. One of the best mouthguards short of a custom.

I agree, that's why I sell them. For some reason kids are obsessed with shock docs though. Most likely due to their better marketing.

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For some reason kids are obsessed with shock docs though. Most likely due to their better marketing.

I'm glad you said that. My kid is can't walk by a Shock Doc display without stopping. He has all the models & features memorized.


I thought it was just him.

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I tried an XLR8 and thought it was way too big and bulky. Not only did it restrict my breathing I triggered a gag reflex. I didn't get that with a Shock. Now I have a custom and it's all good!


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Do you guys boil your mouthgaurds in water first or do you wear them straight from the box?

I boil mine, bite down a couple times and then run it under cold water. I can't imagine wearing it straight out of the box, unless your jaw is a perfect rectangle :D

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before getting a custom mouthguard id suggest trying to find a signature moutguard. here there webpage. signature mouthguards

We had a meeting with this guy showing us the mouthguards and these mouthguards when there in your mouth wont move at all they will stay on your teeth like suction cups so you can talk super easy. theres one model that is just like a custom one pretty much

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I tried an XLR8 and thought it was way too big and bulky. Not only did it restrict my breathing I triggered a gag reflex. I didn't get that with a Shock. Now I have a custom and it's all good!


Did you get the right size XLR8? I find a lot of people don't fit into the large despite being in the age range described on the box.

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I did have a mouth guard and i kept spitting it out as it annoyed me and then it dangled for the rest of the shift so i eventually gave up on them

EDIT- it was a shock doctor i think

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Although custom guards from a dentist are probably the best, they are usually very expensive and not everyone gets them for free. Customguards.com has reasonable prices and they are all custom fit.

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since i don't need to make a new topic..

i tried shockdoctors and noticed that it's hard to keep it in my mouth for being so bulky and not sticking to my teeth

without having to get customs, what would be the least bulkiest ones that wouldn't make me look like i have a toaster in my mouth but also has good breathing system?

I don't need anything super protective, just something that'll work and easy to breathe in

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well are you cutting any off the ends? otherwise, id be choking like every 5 seconds. as long as you dont chew it like gum and it fits more than your front teeth i guess itd be ok. im not sure if theres much of a safety problem either.

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I couldn't get over having a mouth guard in. I finally went out and bought some $2 thing by Adams made for football and stuck it in scalding hot water for like 30 seconds. It was sorta gooey, but I stuck it in and bit down hard and most importantly, sucked the air out of my mouth. The thing stays in my mouth just fine unlike all the other ones I had previously. I can talk reasonably well and I by sucking air out, it squished the mouth guard so it doesn't feel so chunky. So I would maybe suggest getting a mouth guard and sticking in hot water a bit longer than it says so you can get a good fit.

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actually i just found out that my moms gets dental coverage so i'll probably get a custom mouthguard. Any ideas how much it costs average in CDN? I'm asking this because I saw $60 and $300 CDN so I'm not sure?

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RBK Hockey is coming out with a custom fit mouthguard.You could look into that.


The RBK mouthguards are already out. The custom mouthguard has liquid gel that you pour into the guard and then fit exact to your mouth. At $35 it's not cheap but it's an awesome guard. It fully covers all the teeth and fits in a way that you can talk, drink, and breath fairly easily. Plus it doesn't fall out off your teeth when you open your mouth, a feature that keeps you from wanting to chew it.

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I paid mine 40CND by a dentist, this was a team city special, but i see a lot of dentist doing this deal for city's team,but the original price is something like 75 to 150$.

I don't know why you would like to get a shock doctor at 40cnd(same price i paid for the custom) and have it all chew up after only 4-5 month when you can get a custom one with the color combination you whant...

Clues: You want custom curve, you want custom skate, why not get a custom mouthpiece?

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RBK Hockey is coming out with a custom fit mouthguard.You could look into that.


The RBK mouthguards are already out. The custom mouthguard has liquid gel that you pour into the guard and then fit exact to your mouth. At $35 it's not cheap but it's an awesome guard. It fully covers all the teeth and fits in a way that you can talk, drink, and breath fairly easily. Plus it doesn't fall out off your teeth when you open your mouth, a feature that keeps you from wanting to chew it.

hows the bulk factor?

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RBK Hockey is coming out with a custom fit mouthguard.You could look into that.


The RBK mouthguards are already out. The custom mouthguard has liquid gel that you pour into the guard and then fit exact to your mouth. At $35 it's not cheap but it's an awesome guard. It fully covers all the teeth and fits in a way that you can talk, drink, and breath fairly easily. Plus it doesn't fall out off your teeth when you open your mouth, a feature that keeps you from wanting to chew it.

hows the bulk factor?

I don't think it's any bulkier than any other mouthguard. I sold out my first order and half my second order. So far no complaints from customers, that's a good sign. If there was something wrong with it, I'd probably would have heard feedback by now.

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