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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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People being A$$'s

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i just got a new mission hex stick and its the best stick ive ever played with. but theres only one other person i know that has one. and since not many people are getting them yet...people i play against hack my stick out of nowhere and laugh..or just take whacks at it during the game. I dont care about my stick so much to cry over it ,,,,so they are not doing it to see me cry or anything....just piss me off.

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Welcome to true High level hockey. Dont take it personal, its just anything to get you off your game. Start hackin and chirpin back and see how fast it stops...... ;)


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Well, there's really not much you're going to do about it. If you don't react at all, then your opponents are going to declare open season on you. If you freak out and take a bunch of stupid retaliation penalties, then it's probably only going to get worse (when you're not in the box, that is...). Just play your game, keep your feet moving and, when appropriate, return the favor and maybe throw a few words in there while you're at it.

Welcome to the wonderful world of competitve hockey. Fun, eh?

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trust me....ive done my time in the box...

and i do play competitive hockey....AA ice and AAA roller.

just didnt know that opponents will be such dicks...we alll play hockey dont we?

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Soon as anybody in my league had a stealth or one of the reebok sticks, I'd pull out a solid piece of sherwood lumber and try to break it just to piss them off. It's a dick of a move to pull, but it'd piss them off and get them off their game.

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Somebody on an opposing team I was playing broke an Easton Synergy the first time he used it (he bought it over 30 days ago) and quit the team.

I guess no one told him hockey was a contact sport.

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Soon as anybody in my league had a stealth or one of the reebok sticks, I'd pull out a solid piece of sherwood lumber and try to break it just to piss them off. It's a dick of a move to pull, but it'd piss them off and get them off their game.

Since they cost about the same as a OPS, would you be pissed if they slashed your tires?

It's intentional destruction of property. I don't really see the difference.

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with my hex..im not so protective of it that i wont play the game.. but it was $160 so i do want to make it last........and i do try to pull people off there game by pullin their ankle a bit and pullin there stick away....but im a AAA player. theres no reason to try to break someones stick when you can do it other ways.

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Soon as anybody in my league had a stealth or one of the reebok sticks, I'd pull out a solid piece of sherwood lumber and try to break it just to piss them off. It's a dick of a move to pull, but it'd piss them off and get them off their game.

You think your a Hanson brother or something? Thats hitting rock bottom there. Hacking a little bit to throw their game off is alrite with me, but going out to break a $200 stick? I wouldnt even be happy with a win if I got it by breaking someones stick intentionally. You can get the same reaction by chirping at the guy. Competitive hockey and dirty hockey are 2 different things.

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Im a goalie so I enever get the chance but there have been guys Ive played with where if were losing or winning by a margin and theres a guy on the other team whos been chirping all game and wont shut up (you know the kind) the guy will bust out his sherwood lumber and break his one piece in half and skate away. but doing it to get people off there game I dont see a purpose to because you may win but im sure youd be pretty pissed if every game your stick got shattered,

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They're trying to get in you're head, and it worked. If they break you're stick, come back on the next shift and break his/her's.

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Last night in my ice game, I got a partial break and some asshole on the other team took at least 4 hard whacks on the shaft of my Stealth when I was cutting by him. No damage, but it still pissed me off.

But it didn't stop me from scoring a hat trick (including the GW) against them. Pricks!

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Last night in my ice game, I got a partial break and some asshole on the other team took at least 4 hard whacks on the shaft of my Stealth when I was cutting by him. No damage, but it still pissed me off.

But it didn't stop me from scoring a hat trick (including the GW) against them. Pricks!

Let me guess, no call on the slashes? To me, that's a major part of the problem. I love it when I send a guy to the box for slashing and he, or the coach, says the player "only slashed his stick" and there shouldn't be a penalty.

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Last night in my ice game, I got a partial break and some asshole on the other team took at least 4 hard whacks on the shaft of my Stealth when I was cutting by him.  No damage, but it still pissed me off.

But it didn't stop me from scoring a hat trick (including the GW) against them.  Pricks!

Let me guess, no call on the slashes? To me, that's a major part of the problem. I love it when I send a guy to the box for slashing and he, or the coach, says the player "only slashed his stick" and there shouldn't be a penalty.

I wholeheartedly agree, they seem to forget the penalty is for "SLASHING", which is what they just did, doesn't really matter where they slashed

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Or just go score  <_< , I never realized hockey became a nail breaking cat fight.

...You mean step on the ice with the intention of putting that black disc inside that 4' 6' metal frame with netting attached? Well, I never...Cavs, my friend, you've finally lost it :o

Seriously, though: PLAY THE GAME! Good Lord! Put the puck in their net and keep it out of yours.

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I say, if it is not an important game. Line-up with him (if he isn't your position, switch) and go'em, if he won't go, then chop'em in the wrists or throat, depending on how pissed you are.

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When people start to hit my stick or my shins or whatever.I just wait untill the ref isnt looking and give a nice old cup check or hit them in the back of the legs.One of those should get them off your back.

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When people start to hit my stick or my shins or whatever.I just wait untill the ref isnt looking and give a nice old cup check or hit them in the back of the legs.One of those should get them off your back.

Or a nice retaliation penalty from the player that you did that to :)

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Intentional slashing with intent to break someone's stick is a cheap shot and not true hockey. Only when the refs start calling it will it end. The only other option is to break the guys stick who broke yours. Sad, but true.

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Depanding on what league your in just pop his top....

House league it doesn't take long for me to find the guy with his head down behind the net. Rep it takes longer but it will happen. HUGE, clean, hard hit will take all the hot stuff out of a guy soooo quick. Just keep your head up he'll be coming for you next.


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