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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The lightest skate on the market?

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As far as light skates goes,( before all this hulabaloo started with which company make the lightest skates ) Easton had the lightest skates on the market because of their composite make up. I believe presently they still hold that distinction with the Synergy 1300's and 1500's. I haven't found very much on the market that is lighter than these two models. Along with that comes some pretty heavy duty protection in the form of a solid carbon/ composite boot. The Vector ZG 130 and the Vapor XX and XXX's are the closest in weight, but the Vapors are no way near as protective or durable.

Graf was the lightest skate out there prior to the light skate craze.

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As far as light skates goes,( before all this hulabaloo started with which company make the lightest skates ) Easton had the lightest skates on the market because of their composite make up. I believe presently they still hold that distinction with the Synergy 1300's and 1500's. I haven't found very much on the market that is lighter than these two models. Along with that comes some pretty heavy duty protection in the form of a solid carbon/ composite boot. The Vector ZG 130 and the Vapor XX and XXX's are the closest in weight, but the Vapors are no way near as protective or durable.

Graf was the lightest skate out there prior to the light skate craze.

Nope. Lange was the lightest. :D Last time I weighed one is was lighter than the Synergy.

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Lange was the lightest.  :D  Last time I weighed one is was lighter than the Synergy.

jimmy, what about the Micron Medallic?!! With ICM blades, no less.

Chadd, I think the smiley might be a clue. The last Langes were made in late 70s with that black plastic holder that looked like a tubular steel holder. I can't remember who made that holder. It wasn't very durable. So you see, durability has been a problem in hockey equipment forever. There is something about the nature of the game........

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Lange was the lightest.  :D   Last time I weighed one is was lighter than the Synergy.

jimmy, what about the Micron Medallic?!! With ICM blades, no less.

Chadd, I think the smiley might be a clue. The last Langes were made in late 70s with that black plastic holder that looked like a tubular steel holder. I can't remember who made that holder. It wasn't very durable. So you see, durability has been a problem in hockey equipment forever. There is something about the nature of the game........

Chadd brought up the "before the light skate craze" so I had to include the Lange. Even though it hasn't been made in years, it still has quite a following and folks are on an endless search for new booties for that skate. It was remarkably light for it's time, and very durable. I think I still have a dozen customers with them. Most have changed the old holders when steel ran out but the boots are solid. I really love the steel on the Lange goal skates. You need a forklift to lift a pair of them. :D

The plastic used following the post-tubular steel era becomes brittle over time, and is accellerated by exposure to UV light. The newer plastics we have now weren't even invented then, so they made do with what was state of the art at the time.

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Lange was the lightest.  :D   Last time I weighed one is was lighter than the Synergy.

jimmy, what about the Micron Medallic?!! With ICM blades, no less.

Chadd, I think the smiley might be a clue. The last Langes were made in late 70s with that black plastic holder that looked like a tubular steel holder. I can't remember who made that holder. It wasn't very durable. So you see, durability has been a problem in hockey equipment forever. There is something about the nature of the game........

Chadd brought up the "before the light skate craze" so I had to include the Lange. Even though it hasn't been made in years, it still has quite a following and folks are on an endless search for new booties for that skate. It was remarkably light for it's time, and very durable. I think I still have a dozen customers with them. Most have changed the old holders when steel ran out but the boots are solid. I really love the steel on the Lange goal skates. You need a forklift to lift a pair of them. :D

The plastic used following the post-tubular steel era becomes brittle over time, and is accellerated by exposure to UV light. The newer plastics we have now weren't even invented then, so they made do with what was state of the art at the time.

I had a pair of those Lange's. I had steel holders though. Always liked those skates.

When I bought my Graf's they were the lightest skates on the market. Now they feel like a boat anchor compared to most of the skates out there.

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I'm 6'3'', 240lbs, I don't think a couple of grams less on a skate will make that much of a difference to me

kind of off topic, but along the same lines...

Motorcycling. How much $$ do you need to spend on titanium (unobtanium!) in order to shave a couple lbs off your steed?

back on topic-

Losing 10 lbs will make more of a difference than any amount of weight savings anyone is going to get from the differences in all the mid to top level skates.

Applies to both hockey and motorcycles. :)

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I'm 6'3'', 240lbs, I don't think a couple of grams less on a skate will make that much of a difference to me

kind of off topic, but along the same lines...

Motorcycling. How much $$ do you need to spend on titanium (unobtanium!) in order to shave a couple lbs off your steed?

back on topic-

Losing 10 lbs will make more of a difference than any amount of weight savings anyone is going to get from the differences in all the mid to top level skates.

Applies to both hockey and motorcycles. :)

I know, I'm trying, as of last saturday, of my new diet/exercise program I have dropped 16 lbs in 24 days

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I know, I'm trying, as of last saturday, of my new diet/exercise program I have dropped 16 lbs in 24 days


I quoted you only to make my point, not to judge your dimensions. I'm pretty much right there with you. I'm 6'4", 235lbs. I could really stand to lose some myself, but I love to eat!

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Vector 10.0 is listed as 750g's too. listed...

I just weighed my CCM Vector10s in size 7,5C at three different scales. The results were 920grams, 906 grams and 870 grams. Hmmm... Oh yeah, I had them weighed at Ukraine grocery stores. Bauer Supreme 8090s in 8,5D (size equivalent to CCM size 7,5) weighed same as V10s, although they really feel lighter to me for some reason.

The conclusion:don't get ripped off when shopping for groceries in Ukraine:)

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Vector 10.0 is listed as 750g's too. listed...

I just weighed my CCM Vector10s in size 7,5C at three different scales. The results were 920grams, 906 grams and 870 grams. Hmmm... Oh yeah, I had them weighed at Ukraine grocery stores. Bauer Supreme 8090s in 8,5D (size equivalent to CCM size 7,5) weighed same as V10s, although they really feel lighter to me for some reason.

The conclusion:don't get ripped off when shopping for groceries in Ukraine:)

Haha, i imagine some hockey guy weighing his skates in a grocery store. People get paralyzed due the smell.

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