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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New brands in the NHL?

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JR, I spoke to the gentleman at the NHL about a month ago and, after I hung up the phone I realized I should have confirmed this, but it seemed it was only visible products that had to be certified.

Thus: skates, gloves, helmets, sticks and pants (although CCM has the deal, right?). I believe the interior protective equipment did not require certification.

Yes, like I said, you pay for logo placement. Can't see a logo that's covered up, right? :)

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Christian will be paying the licensing fee. They expect to have 6-18 NHL players using their equipment this year. Who knows, maybe Eddie the Eagle will be one of them.

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Someone sent me a message today - I had forgotten about it. Not only do you pay the licensing fee to have your logo placed - but for the mfgrs to use the NHL logos in their ads, that's another $25k. That is why you see some ads with covered-up logos.

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JR, I spoke to the gentleman at the NHL about a month ago and, after I hung up the phone I realized I should have confirmed this, but it seemed it was only visible products that had to be certified.

Thus: skates, gloves, helmets, sticks and pants (although CCM has the deal, right?). I believe the interior protective equipment did not require certification.

Yes, like I said, you pay for logo placement. Can't see a logo that's covered up, right? :)

is that why you see less logo go on gloves and helmets? ive noticed this alot like people wearing a bauer helmet and the side logo's are coverd up or not there. also i had a pair of pro reture eagles that only had to eagle logos on them, compaired to the retail one that have eagle every wear.

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JR, I spoke to the gentleman at the NHL about a month ago and, after I hung up the phone I realized I should have confirmed this, but it seemed it was only visible products that had to be certified.

Thus: skates, gloves, helmets, sticks and pants (although CCM has the deal, right?). I believe the interior protective equipment did not require certification.

Yes, like I said, you pay for logo placement. Can't see a logo that's covered up, right? :)

is that why you see less logo go on gloves and helmets? ive noticed this alot like people wearing a bauer helmet and the side logo's are coverd up or not there. also i had a pair of pro reture eagles that only had to eagle logos on them, compaired to the retail one that have eagle every wear.

On NHL helmets the manufacturer is only permitted to have the logo on the front.

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Wow, it seems to me like the manufactures are really getting screwed over by the NHL. Does anybody else think this? Why dont all the manufactures say screw it and not pay the fee to the NHL and then the NHL would be forced to change there policy.

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Because alot of people ask for a certain players stick rather than the proper name. Its a big market, almost all hockey players see it. Also one company would probably buckle and corner the NHL ad markets.

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Yup, it's a necessary evil.

There's a guy I skate with who says he could have made the Show until he blew out his knee. Because he's a much better player than the rest of us, he tends to be opinionated about hockey. Whenever he sees me with a new product, mine or somebody else's, that he thinks is too radical a concept, the first question he asks is, "Who's using it in the NHL?"

Does that have any bearing on whether a product is good or bad? Of course not. But, does it have a bearing on some people's perception whether a product is good or bad? Absolutely.

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There's a guy I skate with who says he could have made the Show until he blew out his knee.

Hey, I know a couple of those!! :rolleyes:


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Guest Marcelo Cordoba
Does that have any bearing on whether a product is good or bad? Of course not. But, does it have a bearing on some people's perception whether a product is good or bad? Absolutely.

I would say it has a bearing on most, not some people's perception. This from personal experience with many brands, but, mostly with Eagle back in '97-'98, and my first full year with TPS (2000).

I can tell you that it is currently happening to me with both the tape and skate line that I rep.

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[quote This from personal experience with many brands, but, mostly with Eagle back in '97-'98, and my first full year with TPS (2000).

Man, I can remember after getting my first pairs of Eagles from Marz (98 I think) and going into shops and asking for them, people thought I was crazy...Eagles....ha....you rocked that company out man...

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Wow, it seems to me like the manufactures are really getting screwed over by the NHL. Does anybody else think this? Why dont all the manufactures say screw it and not pay the fee to the NHL and then the NHL would be forced to change there policy.

This deal has been going on with the vendors and NHL since the early 90's. "If you want to dance, you've got to pay the band." The NHL is the band leader. The vendors need the NHL exposure. It is the nature of the beast.

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just to add my two cents, i remember when i was working retail BNH sent us a few HH-4000s with only the bauer logo in the front, pro stock lids for refs, very sharp. i had one for awhile but pawned it off on some guy

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just to add my two cents, i remember when i was working retail BNH sent us a few HH-4000s with only the bauer logo in the front, pro stock lids for refs, very sharp. i had one for awhile but pawned it off on some guy

I have an Itech HC85 that I got from an AHL guy that only has the front logo.

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has anybody worn rebellion skates before or know what they are comparable too?

They hurt my foot. It's not that they were uncomfortable, they actually caused me pain. They would like to compare themselves to Graf but the top model isn't even equal to a Graf 502 in my opinion. They're very overpriced. I also found the staff that I spoke to at the booth in Vegas to be arrogant and condescending.

They are a very shallow boot, especially near the toe. There is a problem with the way the toe cap joins the tongue in the models I tried on. It hangs down and can cut into the top of your foot.

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As I said in my first post, some players in the SEL (Sweden) will use Salming equipment this season (I had read this in some newspaper before), and here's a pic of the first player I've found a pic of so far, it's Jonas Höglund (formerly Flames, Canadiens and Maple Leafs) who's using a Salming stick.

And according to the article where it was found, it has improved his wrist shots alot, it's like a "catapult" he said. He used Synergies before I believe but has switched to Salming now.


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Thanks for the information on Jonas Höglund.

He signed an agreement with Sweden around May to begin using their equipment, and he asked them to create what became the TF Evolution, which is the stick he's holding. Sweden sent us an email this week to let us know the sales and response have been good on the stick. We're supposed to place a pre-order, but it was a short notice, so it may end up that I'll have to wait until next year.

The stick is made with amorpheous graphite, will weigh 435 grams and will have Sakic, Lidström and Höglund curves.

(My understanding was Höglund and some other players were also going to wear the gloves, but it's possible they haven't been created yet in his team's colors.)

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And according to the article where it was found, it has improved his wrist shots alot, it's like a "catapult" he said. He used Synergies before I believe but has switched to Salming now.

I had a Hoglund (orange) Synergy, nice curve. Very similar to the RP.

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Now with the season going on, did anyone spot any of these newer brands in the league yet? I saw that at least one of the Red Wings players uses a Salming stick, I think it was #37 Mikael Samuelsson (not 100% sure it was him but I think so). And I think I saw some Stars player using Rebellion sticks and gloves in preseason games but he (Yared Hagos) is sent down to the farm team for now though. Any other sightings? Also seen some guys using Warrior sticks.

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