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5 highest endorsement deals in hockey?

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What players has signed the biggest endorsement deals in the history of NHl and with what brand?

1) The great one Easton

2) Crosby RBk

Any info anyone?

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I think the Lindros Bauer deal was big when the Big E was at his peak. I'm also pretty sure that Brodeur gets a handsome fee from CCM.

In Canada, Don Cherry puts his name on lots of stuff, but I think he plays a volume and not a yeild game!

Gretzky also has his name on a bunch of stuff up here.

Iggy and Naslund have a deal with Nike Canada. Probably small potatoes compared to Crosby and RBK though.


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Guest Marcelo Cordoba
What players has signed the biggest endorsement deals in the history of NHl and with what brand?

1) The great one Easton

2) Crosby RBk

Any info anyone?

From what I have been told, Gretzky's Easton deal added up to a lot of dollars because it was such a long term deal (7 years).

I know for fact that Crosby's deal is the single greatest $$$$$ deal ever for an NHL player.

Cujo was big $ at Bauer; BIG $$$. The most of any player that endorsed Bauer by far when he was in Toronto.

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Guest Marcelo Cordoba
what about gretzky and hespeler? or did gretzky own hespeler?

He was one of many at the time. I am sure Paul Murphy could chime in with better details.

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or off hockey, how about Tiger Woods and Buick! Thats biiiig money.

His deals with Nike Golf and Tag Heure might be bigger.

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what about gretzky and hespeler? or did gretzky own hespeler?

He was one of many at the time. I am sure Paul Murphy could chime in with better details.

WG never owned Hespeler to my knowledge. It was my understanding that he was on endorsement contracts. He made A LOT of money though. I'm not sure what the Easton amount was but I think its safe to say the Hespeler deal was bigger per year. The only reason the deal stopped was that WG was asking for a crazy amount of money for a player who retired for 4 years. It was more than Joseph was getting from Bauer.

I would also say that all of you doubt how much Wayne still makes in endorsements. Crosby and Lemeiux combined come up short. Way short.

Lebron is getting stupid money when you consider the ROI(Return On Investment).

No one athlete will ever repeat the growth that Jordan had on the Sport of Basketball, the NBA and Sporting Goods manufacturers.

Same as Gretzky with hockey on a much smaller scale than Jordan.

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or off hockey, how about Tiger Woods and Buick! Thats biiiig money.

His deals with Nike Golf and Tag Heure might be bigger.

...and American Express.

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or off hockey, how about Tiger Woods and Buick! Thats biiiig money.

His deals with Nike Golf and Tag Heure might be bigger.

...and American Express.

and more we don't know about... dde is paid...

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