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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

Mission stick promotion extended

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Got this from the marketing guru over at MIH -

As a result of Dealer feedback and consumer request, we have decided to extend our FREE STICK promotion until the end of August.

We will leave the registration information on the internet and would suggest that you inform each consumer that the redemption must be done through our website. You may want to modify the posters we provided for the promotion with the August 31st deadline. Please inform your customers that their Registration Documents MUST be postmarked by September 15, 2005 in order to qualify for the promotion.

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My two cents as a dealer:

Anytime these vendors offer these deals to the consumer they are actually screwing you the dealer!! As the dealer you have already bought the product they are now giving away free to the consumer! They are taking sales away from you and leaving you with extra inventory to sell. One vendor did this last year: free OPS with purchase of top-of-the-line skate. All the consumer needed was the sales receipt and UPC code from the side of the skate box. Well, I already had the OPS in stock so I was stuck with new dead inventory thanks to that promo.. The kicker was that one of my guys noticed the vendor doubled up the UPC code on two sides of the skate box! Thank you very much. We each mailed in a UPC code and receipt and tried the OPS! It wasn't worth the first class stamp. Anytime a vendor sends me this offer it is history in my shop. I don't know why other dealers haven't wised up!

Ever notice which vendor do these deals year after year and which don't? Get smart guys!!

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I don't really see it as such. The stick will break, and if the customer likes it, they'll buy another from you. You get to move a skate...

C'mon JR,

How often is a customer happy when the stick breaks? They usually say "screw it, never use this again.", no matter how good the stick feels. Remember, the vendor just cost you a sale of your inventory $$!! This is your bottom line!! If that customer doesn't buy that OPS you already paid for, then what?

Just trying to make you think about this.... Moving the skate off inventory is a plus but why should the stick offer be the reason for the sale?? It is really a "catch-22" that the vendors have perfectly set up. In my shop, its a no-go!


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I don't really see it as such.  The stick will break, and if the customer likes it, they'll buy another from you.  You get to move a skate...

C'mon JR,

How often is a customer happy when the stick breaks? They usually say "screw it, never use this again.", no matter how good the stick feels.

I know I'm one of the customers that'll buy the product again...I broke an M-1, got another because I loved the stick to death

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I'm in a very different position. The promotion gives me another opportunity to get a customer to try the MIH product. I even tell my customers not to buy a pair of skates based on what stick they get, buy the skate that feels best and hopefully you get something "extra" with it. What this really means is dealers haven't moved enough skates and want some help moving the inventory.

Since I sell a lot of S400s and some L5s, I get the followup sales on the replacement blades.

On a semi-related note, have any of you in retail been selling a lot of L series skates? I find the vast majority of customers prefer teh S to the L.

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I don't really see it as such.  The stick will break, and if the customer likes it, they'll buy another from you.  You get to move a skate...

C'mon JR,

How often is a customer happy when the stick breaks? They usually say "screw it, never use this again.", no matter how good the stick feels.

I know I'm one of the customers that'll buy the product again...I broke an M-1, got another because I loved the stick to death

That's great but the LHS still lost the original sale. I am glad you are loyal to the product. That is the vendor's entire reason for the offer. But as dealers, we invest $ in the product, only to have the vendor offer the product at $0 with the purchase of skates.

Thanks for your honesty in this thread.


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Peter -

Obviously the companies that started the free stick spiff were the ones who had trouble competing against the top dog in skates. Easton started it by giving away their stick that sold well just to get people into their skates that don't do that well. When Mission puts the L-2 up, someone's gotta buy replacement blades, right? Plus they do not get a warranty replacement.

Yes - Bauer doesn't need help selling skates. The others do.

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I'm in a very different position. The promotion gives me another opportunity to get a customer to try the MIH product. I even tell my customers not to buy a pair of skates based on what stick they get, buy the skate that feels best and hopefully you get something "extra" with it. What this really means is dealers haven't moved enough skates and want some help moving the inventory.


I totally understand your position. We have had this discussion on a PM basis. However, as a dealer you bought the product(skates) in good faith and now the vendor is asking you to help push the product by offering this separate incentive. I agree with your sales initiative to buy what fits best(always the best way to go), not the best follow-up offer, but doesn't this rub you the wrong way a bit if you have invested $ in the product(blades/OPS) they are now adding as a free promo?

I totally understand your position in this matter as it relates to your marketplace. My issue is more with the vendors who offer this promotion, not the dealers who take advantage of it. I guess that is the bottom line. If it helps you in your marketplace, that is what is important. In my marketplace, it kind of rubs me the wrong way.

Thanks for listening!!


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Peter -

Obviously the companies that started the free stick spiff were the ones who had trouble competing against the top dog in skates. Easton started it by giving away their stick that sold well just to get people into their skates that don't do that well. When Mission puts the L-2 up, someone's gotta buy replacement blades, right? Plus they do not get a warranty replacement.

Yes - Bauer doesn't need help selling skates. The others do.


I was so busy with the reply to Chadd...

I agree with your thoughts 100%.


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I've placed re-orders on MIH equipment that nearly match my intial booking order. My sales of their equipment have been so strong I really don't have a problem with the promotion. In fact, there are a lot of people who I haven't seen all summer who are just now starting to look for equipment so this may help kick up skate sales a little more before the season starts. I also find that many parents will end up buying their kid another stick for x-mas, even if the free one is still working fine.

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I've placed re-orders on MIH equipment that nearly match my intial booking order. My sales of their equipment have been so strong I really don't have a problem with the promotion. In fact, there are a lot of people who I haven't seen all summer who are just now starting to look for equipment so this may help kick up skate sales a little more before the season starts.  I also find that many parents will end up buying their kid another stick for x-mas, even if the free one is still working fine.

This is a beautiful thing! Sales have been strong in my shop, as well, the last few days as players now have outgrown their old equipment and now need new gear. This is what we live for as dealers, boys!!

Do the best job you can with your customers, treat them right, they will respect your advice and opinions, and keep coming back to your shop again and again.

Over and out for 8/10/05,



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I don't mind the promotions, but what I'd rather see is that the free stick comes out of my inventory and I get reimbursed the COST by the manufacturer.

I look at it this way. I book X amount of a certain model stick based on my market, past sales and a good guess on how many I will sell a season. So, hypotheticaly, If I book 4 dozen of a model stick, and I lose sales on 1/2 of them because of the promotion, there is a good chance I will have 2 dozen left at end of season. Now given the likelihood that manufacturers will discontinue that model stick next year, or superceded it with a new model, in the end I could lose both profit/or capitial on those remaining sticks. Yes, I made money on those skates, but I probably would have sold them anyway. So I don't see it as a win for the dealer.

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I think that would be a bit of a logistical mess, with out of stock issues, late booking dates, losing a sale because you didn't have the Bouce 100 Flex in stock and shop B did...

do you lose an sale of an NHL jersey with that promo? yes.a free stick offer can help some people ante up before they thought of doing so..and gets them in the shop quicker, spending $....

Anytime a dealer does something to drive traffic into your shop..its a good thing...not everyone who walks in and buys a 200-400 $ pair of skates was going to drop $150 on an OPS....far from it...

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Anytime a dealer does something to drive traffic into your shop..its a good thing...not everyone who walks in and buys a 200-400 $ pair of skates was going to drop $150 on an OPS....far from it...

I do agree it would be logistical mess.

Believe me, the manufacturers are not looking out for the dealer's interest. In a lot of cases these special deals have the sole purpose to empty the manf warehouse to pave way for a new model, sticks, skates or both. The last thing on their mind is if it's going to spur folks into the retailers store other than to take advantage of the deal. Unlike the IRS, they are not our friends! :D

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I agree with you all the way. The vendor is really "sticking" it to you the dealer. I try to avoide using these vendors just because of these promos.


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As a person that just bought some L7's, and going through the whole "promo stick" issue. Here are my thoughts:

First it would be a lot more convenient to get the free stick at the same time you buy the skates. It would help eliminate the inventory issue from stores and I wouldnt have to wait 8-10 weeks to get the stick, and there wouldnt be a shipping charge. I would know what my choices of stick are right from the start, and if there wasnt what I wanted then perhaps I could have the LHS order it, which would bring me back to the LHS for possible future sales.

The down side for the Manufacture is they dont get the information that comes with the promo. For instance, the mission promo requires you to let them know the skates and stick you used before purchasing theirs. I didnt like having to give the information, but I totally understood why they would want it. And considering it cost them the price of manufacturering a stick, I would say its pretty smart on their end. But couldnt this just be pushed off on shop owners. Just have the purchasers fill out a questionare at the time of purchase, get it all done right there.

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As a person that just bought some L7's, and going through the whole "promo stick" issue. Here are my thoughts:

First it would be a lot more convenient to get the free stick at the same time you buy the skates. It would help eliminate the inventory issue from stores and I wouldnt have to wait 8-10 weeks to get the stick, and there wouldnt be a shipping charge. I would know what my choices of stick are right from the start, and if there wasnt what I wanted then perhaps I could have the LHS order it, which would bring me back to the LHS for possible future sales.

The down side for the Manufacture is they dont get the information that comes with the promo. For instance, the mission promo requires you to let them know the skates and stick you used before purchasing theirs. I didnt like having to give the information, but I totally understood why they would want it. And considering it cost them the price of manufacturering a stick, I would say its pretty smart on their end. But couldnt this just be pushed off on shop owners. Just have the purchasers fill out a questionare at the time of purchase, get it all done right there.

There's no way every retailer can stock every curve and flex in RH and LH. Having the manufacturer send the customer's preferred stick is the way to go. Plus a lot of retailers still don't have everything they ordered from some manufacturers yet.

As for filling out a form in the shop. I don't have the time to do the market research for someone else. I think the way they are doing it is actually the best way for everyone.

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I agree with you all the way. The vendor is really "sticking" it to you the dealer. I try to avoide using these vendors just because of these promos.


that keeps you from using many vendors then eh? has there been a major company in the past 12-24 months who didn't use a promo?

a mfg wants 2 things

1. market share

2. outlets for market share

I just don't see what the big thing is if these companies want to offer premiums for buying their products or to entice people to try them while getting them to use a 2nd product category...

Admittedly I'm a fan of dealers handling OPS stuff whether its a stick giveaway or for warranty as while its great Customer Service to replace a Vapor XX when someone breaks it...it takes a sale away from my floor...same with handing a consumer a stick for a promo...

In the coming 24-36 months I think you'll see the current mix plus "SMU" stuff for the promos....

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I like what Mission-Itech is doing with the NHL06 giveaway. It's something extra for buying the product and doesn't detract from other in-shop sales. I think there's an excellent opportunity for BNH or RBK to do something with their shoe lines. Some type of coupon or rebate you get with hockey gear that can be applied to shoe sales.

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I don't really see it as such.  The stick will break, and if the customer likes it, they'll buy another from you.  You get to move a skate...

C'mon JR,

How often is a customer happy when the stick breaks? They usually say "screw it, never use this again.", no matter how good the stick feels. Remember, the vendor just cost you a sale of your inventory $$!! This is your bottom line!! If that customer doesn't buy that OPS you already paid for, then what?

Just trying to make you think about this.... Moving the skate off inventory is a plus but why should the stick offer be the reason for the sale?? It is really a "catch-22" that the vendors have perfectly set up. In my shop, its a no-go!


But the idea is to get a customer using the stick. If the customer likes it, they buy another later. There is also the word of mouth factor. Giving something away is done in the hopes it will lead to increased sales in the future.

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Another thing, why refuse to stock anything from manufacturers that offer these deals? That could be the stupidest thing you could do. Especially since last summer almost every manufacturer had some kind of deal. You'll wind up getting a reputation as a shop with limited merchandise and players will look elsewhere for gear. Also, manufacturers may put you at the bottom of the ship to list when you do order from them after the deals end.

Not a smart business move to avoid manufacturers who offer these deals.

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I agree with you all the way. The vendor is really "sticking" it to you the dealer. I try to avoide using these vendors just because of these promos.


that keeps you from using many vendors then eh? has there been a major company in the past 12-24 months who didn't use a promo?

a mfg wants 2 things

1. market share

2. outlets for market share

I just don't see what the big thing is if these companies want to offer premiums for buying their products or to entice people to try them while getting them to use a 2nd product category...

At the moment it keeps me from using Mission/Itech with serious buying $. And I really am not missing out on any "super-hot" item from them that players ask for or must have. I have booked serious $ dollars in the past with Mission only to watch the M-1 Pro glove go on the back cover of USA Hockey magazine for my wholesale cost being sold by an internet company 3 months after I received the product. I brought in S500 skates last year as well and in my territory Mission is an afterthought in player's buying new gear. I sold one S500 with the promo. By the way, I had also booked M-1 OPS from Mission as well. So, I was screwed coming and going.

Itech also ran the promo last season with the undergarment on the helmet purchase. I sold a few helmets but that was due to price, not the shirt offer. Bauer helmets are my leading brand, far ahead of CCM.

Last year's Easton promo: I didn't have their skates so it didn't hurt my Easton OPS sales.

Last year's CCM Vector skate/stick promo. Same as Mission above. Sold a few more Vector Pro skates but I was stuck with Vector OPS thanks to the promo.

I have been a hockey equipment buyer since 1980. I have bought from all the vendors that were probably ever in business at one time or another. At the moment, the vendors I buy from have the product lines I need in the shop. BauerNikeHockey has not run a promo giveaway that I ever recall here in the states. As JR said, they don't have to.

"The big thing.." has already been explained by Jimmy and myself. The vendor is taking a sale away from your shop when the vendor gives away a promo OPS. This is the same item you spent your buying dollars on to make a profit!


As far as Mission/Itech, I use their goalie masks and clear shields. They do a great job on those items. Most everything else in their catalog I can find from another vendor at a better discount wholesale during booking and then on re-order discounts. MIH offers such a weak discount on booking as compared to other vendors for my buying, that the incentive is not really there to book deep $ with Mission/Itech. You may not be near my shop but if you were ever to walk in without knowing it was mine, you would say, "Wow, this shop has a great selection of product." I am not patting myself on the back. I hear it every weekend during the travel season when teams from as far south as Washington, D.C. and as far north as Hartford are in the building. I am just letting you know that a shop can everything it needs and still not have to buy product from every vendor. Also, as long as you pay your invoices on time, the vendors will never drop you to the bottom of any list. There are enough deadbeat shops in the hockey industry already. Pay your invoices on time and you will always be at the top of the list for shipping and for receiving new product first.

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