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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Team Canada Bauer Sticks & Gloves

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Hi Everyone...first post, been checking this site on and off for the last little while. There are some pictures on Canucks.com that I thought some of you guys would be interested in seeing. I hope these links work....if not, just to to Canucks.com and check out the pictures. I think the sticks look fantastic. Can anyone make out what it says on the cuff of the top glove....H C something. Does H C stand for Hockey Canada???



Can anyone help me out tell me how to copy a link if the above doesn't work.


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First one of those sticks on ebay in a lefty and its mine...Seriously what do they get all that stuff for free?

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Are those all vapor XX's? or XXX's? and wuts the listing on ebay?

there is no ebay listing.I was saying that the first one in a lefty to pop up on ebay is mine

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Are those all vapor XX's? or XXX's? and wuts the listing on ebay?

there is no ebay listing.I was saying that the first one in a lefty to pop up on ebay is mine

We'll see :)

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Can anyone make out what it says on the cuff of the top glove....H C something. Does H C stand for Hockey Canada???

It says HC-11-05

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...Seriously what do they get all that stuff for free?

i would have to think that the gloves and sticks are for the Jr. guys. But the Pros would get outfitted in Dri-fit and Shox's

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...Seriously what do they get all that stuff for free?

i would have to think that the gloves and sticks are for the Jr. guys. But the Pros would get outfitted in Dri-fit and Shox's

If your playing for Team Canada no matter if its U-18 or Olympics they;'re giving you free stuff. The sticks would be for anybody who wants them. The shoes and dri-fit is promotional stuff for Nike. They can get gloves of there choice etc... Like in the WJHC they get gloves Helmet etc..

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I know justin hinted at something but I say that the helmet looks better with the mission logo instead of the itech one.

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I know you really can't tell from the picture, but what kind of skates are those? If that is Neidermeyer, he wears Vector Pros. The tongue is throwing me off, but he could get whatever he wants of course.

Is one of those gloves on the table the 'mystery Nikes' that have been floating around the boards?

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The HC then a number just means Hockey Canada XX, because the players don't keep the equipment. All of the stuff is used again by either the World Junior Team, Under 18, Under 17, etc. Sticks however, are theirs to keep.

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I know you really can't tell from the picture, but what kind of skates are those?  If that is Neidermeyer, he wears Vector Pros.  The tongue is throwing me off, but he could get whatever he wants of course.

Is one of those gloves on the table the 'mystery Nikes' that have been floating around the boards?


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