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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Team Canada Bauer Sticks & Gloves

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man i want one of those sticks!!! they are so sweet!!!

Everybody seems to want the product from "Evil Nike/Bauer." Is BNH good or bad?

The new Hockey Canada gear does look awesome. The white Vapor sticks are wicked and the mystery Nike gloves have created some buzz on MSH! The boys at BNH must know what they are doing.

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i dont agree with the "Evil Nike/Bauer." thing. everytime ive used bauers stuff ive never had problems. ive never used nike.

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Does anyone else really want a pair of those Nike Team Canada shorts! I hope they sell those, I would buy them in a heartbeat.

oh yeah... but this is comming right after i spend 50 cdn on a pair of normal ones.. i wonder how much they would be....

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The skates Neidermeyer is wearing look original, something I've never seen.

This definitely looks like a new pair of skates.

Those tongues don't look like any tongues I've seen before.

Also, the toe cap is completely rounded and smooth, I don't see any ridges, etc.

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Yeah the toe on the skates look kinda like Grafs (flat, round, no ridges) but I'm gonna go with Easy here and say they are Flexlite 12's or some kind of custom Nike skate, maybe like what Kovalchuk was wearing.

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Nevermind...i should ask my friend...he saw the new model of the nike 2006....i didn't had the chance to saw them....but he describe it...it might be this....

but i dunno if he have the right to tell it...but if people call it BS, well you should know Nike design-test a lot of their stick skate at Montreal.... if you remember when bauer had a test video on their websites...showing how some player launch their rocket on a floor about the shot velocity...

well i did get their...and shooted some puck...

Maybe JR know but he couldn't say it...

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Bauer is coming out with a new skate not replacing either the XXX or 8090

Have you seen pics of the new Bauer skates? If so post em. The tounge does also look similar to XXX.

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If you go to USCHO.com, you can see a very good photo of the new Nike gloves in photo 23.

Also, I'm starting to think that Nike has new pants. Some of the US guys are wearing shells, others pants. If you look at the guys wearing pants, they look nothing like any other Nike's I've seen before. The lower spine area is brand new.

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I know you really can't tell from the picture, but what kind of skates are those?  If that is Neidermeyer, he wears Vector Pros.  The tongue is throwing me off, but he could get whatever he wants of course.

Is one of those gloves on the table the 'mystery Nikes' that have been floating around the boards?


And you can tell by the "made in Indonesia" box sitting right next to them. :D

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Lol I always laugh when I see Neidermeyer off the Ice. He is so good on the ice but he definately does not look like a hockey player, letalone a world class one.

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Lol I always laugh when I see Neidermeyer off the Ice. He is so good on the ice but he definately does not look like a hockey player, letalone a world class one.

I met him at the '04 Top Propects Game in Vancouver,and lemme tell you,he looks hilarious in a suit.

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