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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Heel curves

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OK I may be opening a can of worms but why do most NHLer's use a heel curve. I have been a Mid guy and don't undertsand the heel curve because you seem to have a very small sweet spot? I am guessings most NHLer's can stick handle with anything and that they use heel curves getting a better shot? I have to admit I have never reaaly tried one but I am curious. It also seems to be more a modern day trend as well. I could be wrong on that one and soory if this has been telked about counl not find anything in the search!.

Thanks Sid

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I don't know why I prefer heel curves or why I like vanilla, it's just that way. I prefer lots of shovel and no curve, so I've been using heels since I was a kid and still come back to them. That said, because I use a heel I can't remember the last time I took a geniune wrister.

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ive been using heels since i could remember. i think for most people its the shot that you have with a heel curve. to me it seems that its just unmached by anything else, and i have tried other curves. the heel is just where its at for me. puckhandling feels better to me and so does shooting. its all just personal preference.

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I'm pretty sure I've seen this article on the board before in reference to this question:


I've always come back to the heel curve as well. I've never been anything other than an average stick handler, and find that the heel curve works best for me for passing and shooting (mostly snappers, slappers and backhands, rarely wristers).

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Personally, I like the Drury pattern because has very little curve depth so the blade (other than the twist) is very straight and has a large sweet spot. That large sweet spot has improved my accuracy and makes it easier for me to tip-pass and deflect shots from the point.

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I just wonder why you don't see more mid's on NHLer's. It has no real weakness. From what I understand because NHLer's could stickhandle with a fork the opt for heels becuase they get a better shot. Is it also a fact they can get a better shot with a heel when they may be offbalance?


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i used the modano in the past..i thought it was the best blade...then i started to think abou thte iginla(mid-toe) just to be about to toe drag ...and now i'm sticking with the iginla

I can,t see-figure myselft to stickhandle with a sakic-lindstrom-drury...no offence ... by the way it make sens...i wrist every puck i hav eon my stick...like 9 of 10 shot i make are wrister...more accurate for me..

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I think you'll find a lot of Euros use mid and toe curves. Since the European game is more about puck possession there is more stick handling and passing.

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I just wonder why you don't see more mid's on NHLer's. It has no real weakness. From what I understand because NHLer's could stickhandle with a fork the opt for heels becuase they get a better shot. Is it also a fact they can get a better shot with a heel when they may be offbalance?


id say a lot of players use small mid curves. If heel curves are the most popular, mid curves are probably a close second

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I've just started using the drury and I love it. Wrist shots were a little weird at first, but after some practice it was alright, I just love the feeling of the puck rolling along the blade when I shoot. My backhands are easier too use and more accurate as well

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I feel that with heel curves my passes wristers snappers, are easier to pick a height and keep it there, but for slapshots its all over the board, so i try to stick with mid-heel curves, best of both worlds for me. I personally use a Modano as a forward and a Lindros as a d-man.

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i have one for Jody's sticks from when he was here in Jr. and it a Bigg heel curve so he's changed because he says he uses a " a slight curve in the heel, but mostly I'm just looking for something with the right lie on the ice."

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