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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Photoshopped Equipment

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Anyone have any thing they want done? Im extremely bored right now and messing around with photoshop, since there is not much to do having a broken wrist.

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Is it this sort of thing, only with the writing gold too.

to be honest, the pic res isn't that great so the text will look like balls unless I get a higher res pic

Thats great Thanks! Those are beauties

Allsmoke, can you do me one more favor and take those and make the white parts gold? Id appreicate it!

Man..the Gophers should have gloves like those

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Can someone photoshop these for me?


You have to tell them what you want done to them :S

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Is it this sort of thing, only with the writing gold too.

to be honest, the pic res isn't that great so the text will look like balls unless I get a higher res pic

Thats great Thanks! Those are beauties

Allsmoke, can you do me one more favor and take those and make the white parts gold? Id appreicate it!

Man..the Gophers should have gloves like those

But I just found out they dont do them in custom :(

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hey can you put a mg chasis on the bauer one90's please that is what am hoping to do when i get mine and i want to see what it looks like thanks

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Here's what you've all been waiting for, the newest, most high tech creation from Nike yet.  The One90 Shox. </sarcasm>  Yes, they are that bad.

Don't let Nike see those, they'll actually do it.

Seriously somone needs to put a holder on them and that would be prime. Nice job on the Shox addition... That's spectacular.

Closer than you think

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not shox hockey skates, go the other way, and consider that when Nike has innovative tech, they use it across the spectrum (ie Nike Air in skates at first)

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I hope this isnt against any rules...


I can see the curves now, Boucicaut, Sullivan etc...

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