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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Painting An Old Shaft

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I dug up an old Franklin shaft in the garage yesterday, and to have some fun, I decided I was going to re-paint it a different color. I just finished sanding everything, and now I need to decide what color I'm going to paint it. I have been sitting here thinking about it for a while, but I can't think of anything. So I will throw it up to you guys.

What color (colors, stripes, ect.) should I paint my stick, I'm open for any idea. And after seeing that photoshop equipment thread, I know we have some creative people on this board. So fire away.

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Plain old fashioned black. Reminds me of some 8 dollar comp shafts a LHS had a long time ago.

Those things were pretty worthless.

Your fault for buying it. lol I think you should paint it like a candy cane in your team coulors. That would be sweet.

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Go white shaft and black blade on it. It'll be like an optical illusion from a distance. You can buy spray epoxy appliance paint that should work well and be durable.

I'm going to paint an old Ultra Lite shaft using it.

I'll let you know how it turns out after I'm done. I think I'm going to do a silver to black fade in the middle of the shaft.

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I always paint old sticks and I usually like going with a fade that Easton uses (fades near bottom) Here are some combos that i have done.

Red to silver

Silver to Black

Black to Green

Silver to Green

Black to Red

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you could candy cane tape the stick, then paint over it and get a spiral going....Barber shop sign....

Or polka dots....Pink shaft with white polka dots

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Buy some of that chrome spray paint, and spray it with the gold chrome and fade to green chrome. Green for the money, gold for the hunnies

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Paint it brown the make a logo saying "Bitchen Camaro" and paint that on in white.

hahaha yessss

I say you paint it neon pink and orange, and then sprinkle some extra neon purple on there for added touch

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the chameleon/colour change paint seems like a great idea if you can get ahold of it... i had a buddy once who was a goaltender. his dad was a professional car painter, and he would get custom designs on his mask every year. that must have been the shit

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the chameleon/colour change paint seems like a great idea if you can get ahold of it... i had a buddy once who was a goaltender. his dad was a professional car painter, and he would get custom designs on his mask every year. that must have been the shit

Unless you're going with the cheap hobby/spray paint, i'd stay away from the "flip" paint. Chameleon paint costs $300/pint for each phase depending on the quality.

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i did a red fading to black and a white fading to black blade. both look pretty good. i also made a name bar with my name on it and the whole works. looks pretty cool!

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