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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pink Mission OPS

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a chick at RDV got a hot pink L2 for free somehow. Not through the pro shop but she was walking out of the office to pay for public skate after our game and had it in the plastic wrap still. No blades, just the shaft.

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Just got mine in. Wow are they hard on the eyes!

I now have 2/3 of my order filled and it was released today.

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If these things are sub-$100, I think I'd pick one up, after convincing my dad I'm not actually gay. He's weird about pink and guys... Would be a hit w/ the chicks in my house league though. :D

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If these things are sub-$100, I think I'd pick one up, after convincing my dad I'm not actually gay. He's weird about pink and guys... Would be a hit w/ the chicks in my house league though. :D

$119 senior

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If they had any higher flex than 100 i'd be interested just for show :P Really its a DIFFERENT looking stick.

I wonder how many people just buy one for the sakes of there teamates saying "Wow how did you get that stick", or actually buy them for meaningful use of the stick.

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Its even gon pink glittery stuff on it :)

Lmao, that is pretty cute right there. I wonder how long till the paint wheres off?

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NO i wouldn't buy a pink stick for 100+ if i really wanted to i'd just buy some pink paint and colour my 4th back up for fun, but i really wouldn't.

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i would use a pink stick if i won it or got it really cheep but theres no way i would pay 100 dollars for one. i agree with Geeno_56, paint the 4th backup pink and put some glitter on it!

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well JR rochester hills may be the metro-slash-homo capital of michigan, i bet you see many a collars popped

Eyyyy I wear my collar popped sometimes (I'll admit it), and I'm totally straight and non-metro

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well JR rochester hills may be the metro-slash-homo capital of michigan, i bet you see many a collars popped

Eyyyy I wear my collar popped sometimes (I'll admit it), and I'm totally straight and non-metro

lol tried that once and this chick came and put it down and told me to never do it again.

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