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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor xxx or Synergy sl

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In a tragic one-timer incident i snapped my 04 grip synergy tonight, and i'm in a bind. I need a new stick for Tuesday yet I can't decide between a Synergy sl grip or a vapor xxx. I'm a center who relies on shooting to pop the puck in the net, and I'm relatively vicious when it comes to stick work and chippy hockey. I've tried a few synergy's and a vapor xx, I liked both of them the same...which leaves me with quite the predicament. What do you fellas suggest?


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I can't think of any other way besides shooting to "pop the puck in the net" unless your league lets you throw it/kick it in. ;) I prefer the SL in my experience.

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I had an SL,, I just rotate my XN10 and xxx currently.

unbelievable touch and control with the XXX.. very strong shaft IMO 102 flex

Xn10 gives me a bit lighter weight when I need it

Both have great snap shots for me/// I seem to be more accurate with the xxx

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I bought a Vapor XXX but can't shoot very well with it because I got the 102 when I should have waited it out and got an 87. Either way it is a decent all round stick but I don't think it is one of those primier shooting sticks. If you are only concerned with the performance go with the SL but otherwise I would say the XXX in the proper specs.

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I've had my sl for about a month and had about 20 ice sessions and its on its last legs. It fires rocketrs but i usually hope for a stick to last longer than that.

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SL = about 5 weeks lifespan. Results may vary, but every SL I have sold is now broken.

If you can afford an SL every 5 weeks, go for it. Mine lasted that long, too, before the blade fractured. I now use a XXX and think its much better than any Easton OPS.

I have heard rumors that once again Easton will be changing up the OPS line for 06. The only reason can be durability is once again a huge issue with the Easton OPS line.

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SL = about 5 weeks lifespan.  Results may vary, but every SL I have sold is now broken.

If you can afford an SL every 5 weeks, go for it. Mine lasted that long, too, before the blade fractured. I now use a XXX and think its much better than any Easton OPS.

I have heard rumors that once again Easton will be changing up the OPS line for 06. The only reason can be durability is once again a huge issue with the Easton OPS line.

Easton = the worse durability. I can't understand why folks get suckered. I even tell them, don't come crying to me when that SL breaks on day 31. They still buy them. Suckers for brand name, status symbol, crap. I agree the XXX is much better stick. Although, the Salming G-1 blows them all away!

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SL = about 5 weeks lifespan.  Results may vary, but every SL I have sold is now broken.

If you can afford an SL every 5 weeks, go for it. Mine lasted that long, too, before the blade fractured. I now use a XXX and think its much better than any Easton OPS.

I have heard rumors that once again Easton will be changing up the OPS line for 06. The only reason can be durability is once again a huge issue with the Easton OPS line.

Easton = the worse durability. I can't understand why folks get suckered. I even tell them, don't come crying to me when that SL breaks on day 31. They still buy them. Suckers for brand name, status symbol, crap. I agree the XXX is much better stick. Although, the Salming G-1 blows them all away!

PP is PP. There is no such thing as a better stick when looking for performance..

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There are people out there who will sacrafice durability to use what they feel most comfortable with, and that may be Easton. Whether its in their mind, or actual performance, some just like them and don't mind the durability problems.

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durability alot of times depends on the person. some people dont get very physical and just use their stick for passing ,shooting ,stickhandling and the occasional check. but alot of people ,like me ,get in the nitty gritty ,slash ,hook and just give their stick a beating. The graphics from like halfway down my stick down are usually pretty much gone in a month or two. I can kind of tell you about the durabilty of the vapour xxx from my experiance. I got one in march last year ,used it for playoffs and final four(bantam A) ,a whole spring hockey season ,tourney ,reg season and playoffs ,school hockey ,drop in and then finally 2 junior camps before it snapped while i was running out of the dressing room and learned that my stick is taller then the doorway is wide the hard way. overall i probably had about 100 icetimes ,the bottom corner of the blade was a bit worn and there was a small chip on the top corner ,the xxx logo peeled off and the corners of the shafts paint from like halfway down all the way to the blade were super chipped but nothing that would affect the performance. Im on my second one now ,i love it and im getting another tommorow ,ive had an xn10 ,used a stealth ,had synergys ,response plus and tried an sl ,nothing was quite like my xxx in terms of overall feal and shot power.

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Bruin...It sounds as if i play alot like you, so I'm gunna ask:

1) What was shooting with a vapor xxx like compared to your sl... i held both sticks in the shop today, and i still can't decide which one... i put one of each on hold though.


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