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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mike Modano is Dolomite

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Looks like Mikey is willing to try a Warrior stick after giving up his RBK contract. Will try to find pics tomorrow.

P.S. Playing at DPSC in Grapevine tomorrow night.

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Yeah, but right before he jumped ship, he signed my 8K glove. If I help resolve the Turco35 problem can you give me the rest of the info? My PM box is always open. He drives a sweet gunmetal gray Maserati Quattroporte by the way. I figured him for a Ferrari man myself, but with his financial situation I guess he needs a starter car.

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That's not all he'll be wearing soon.

Any info on what that is? Sorry if I'm nosy, but my National Enquirer hasn't come in yet so I'm lookin for juicy tidbits anywhere I could get them. :P My God, I hope it isn't Nike, that would stir up some controversy.

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I really wasn't paying that much attention to his gear until he parked himself into the penalty box twice in less than five minutes. Guess that stick is going into the trash and a new one will take its place.

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I noticed he was using the warrior tonight. The question is, how long will it last?

Probably until he cashes his check, and then changes his mind. Just some good natured ribbing on the Mighty Mo though. You are only as good as your tools, and they are only as good as You Think they are.

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wow, wait a second, Modano left rbk? When, and why? This is news to me. i dont see why he would leave

Hasn't played an official NHL game in a single piece of RBK equipment. Gave up on it after preseason. JR probably has more info than I do.

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He tried Vectors last season in anticipation of a CCM deal but just couldn't use the stick. He's just picky and is very accustomed to what he has been using.

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Like those ancient 9500s he's used forever.

He's almost as bad as Leetch was. Brian finally started using some new ones last year right?

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Like those ancient 9500s he's used forever.

He's almost as bad as Leetch was. Brian finally started using some new ones last year right?

Brian Leetch never used GX9500's. He wore GX800's.

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Like those ancient 9500s he's used forever.

He's almost as bad as Leetch was. Brian finally started using some new ones last year right?

Brian Leetch never used GX9500's. He wore GX800's.

I was just referring to the fact he used the same gloves forever.

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I have a pic of leech standing next to lindross and messier before a rangers game during the national anthem (a print I bought for my dad) The gloves he is using there defenately don't look like GX gloves though.


Kinda funny, it looks like its like from the mid 90's but when you take a look at Lindros he wears XX (or atleast some new Vapors) and has a TriFlex

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Leetch used GX800s til about 2000. He got the Z-Airs in 98 and would skate in the pregame skate with them, then switch to the 800s when the game started. I used to go to every game they had in FLA and that's what he did. He did that for two years straight then switched to the Z-Airs full time.

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Kinda funny, it looks like its like from the mid 90's but when you take a look at Lindros he wears XX (or atleast some new Vapors) and has a TriFlex

I think you just described NYR to a T!

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I noticed he was using the warrior tonight. The question is, how long will it last?

Probably until he cashes his check, and then changes his mind. Just some good natured ribbing on the Mighty Mo though. You are only as good as your tools, and they are only as good as You Think they are.

when warrior was innovative they DID NOT PAY any player to use inno sticks, the use them because they think they are best fro their game. maybe warrior started paying players.

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