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NHL'ers using non-high-end equipment?

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Has anyone ever seen any NHL using equipment that's not high-end or pro-stock? Examples could be Rbk 5k gloves, CCM V90 OPS, Bauer Vapor VI sticks or skates, etc etc.

Personally, if I were in the NHL, I wouldn't mind using the Vapor VI OPS, got one for my birthday and I like it alot, it's not as light as high-end models at 535 grams, but that's how I like them. So there could as well be NHL players out there who don't want their sticks TOO light. Same with pro-stock stuff, my stick is a retail Naslund and I could very well consider using that pattern even if I were in the NHL.

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There used to be a lot of players who used Bauer 1000s and 2000s back in the day, but I'm not sure how many still do. Other than that, unless you count woodies as low-end they've all moved with the times.

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Its all personal preference. I remember seeing Shannys shoulder pads. I have seen thongs with more protection than them.

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Any idea what Kariya (Paul) is wearing for skates these days? For years I heard he wore the Bauer 3000's, even years after they were no longer considered high-end skates.

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I saw Sean Avery go to the box with his jersey off the other night. He was wearing Bauer SP 200 shoulder pads, the old all black with dark green trim. They have big caps on the shoulders but little else for protection on the chest and back. Of course, most fighters want that freedom of movement for throwing roundhouse rights!

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I saw Sean Avery go to the box with his jersey off the other night. He was wearing Bauer SP 200 shoulder pads, the old all black with dark green trim. They have big caps on the shoulders but little else for protection on the chest and back. Of course, most fighters want that freedom of movement for throwing roundhouse rights!

I've also seen (on TV of course!) a lot of pros using the Sher-Wood "Tradition" shoulder pads.

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I saw Sean Avery go to the box with his jersey off the other night. He was wearing Bauer SP 200 shoulder pads, the old all black with dark green trim. They have big caps on the shoulders but little else for protection on the chest and back. Of course, most fighters want that freedom of movement for throwing roundhouse rights!

Scott Parker used to wear the same pads in the AHL.

the iceman

stop being an idiot

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i dont' think we should consider ultralite as "old"

Sorry i meant the ultralite shouldn't be considered non high-end. Though i guess compared to the new stuff nowadays it kind of is. Mack is right though, it should be considered timeless

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When you say "Old Easton" shoulders, do you mean the old-ass ones that were like all black plastic and and orange colored padding underneath? Those be OLLLLD SCHHHOOL.

This could be a really bad rumor, but I have heard that Poti has a rare disease that makes him allergic to many things (Peanuts, Chocolate being some). In fact, when he was in college, his roomie made a PBandJ sandwhich and had left some peanut butter on a door handle. Poti touched it got seriously ill. Now the rumor I heard is that he is allergic to graphite too. So he likes the aluminum (PP too I guess) cuz the graphites break and he cant be touching the splintered material.

Total rumor, I know. But I did hear it.

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Yup...Zuby was wearing them just the other night too. I think Lindros had them, not sure about now.

They are hella protective, but kind bulky if you ask me.

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