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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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warrior stick

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got to see kovalev's warrior shaft this weekend. thing is stiffer then a 100 year old oak tree. can hardly even flex the thing. rather interesting!

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Cheesy 70s names for sticks?  Come ooooooooooooooooon.  I still want the Blacula then.

Maybe they can just name their composite shaft, "Shaft".

"Who's the black hockey shaft that's a goal machine?"


Ya damnnnnnnnnn right...

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gold warrior shaft with unlabeled inno blade

Does the warrior stick...still have the commander mention? Anyways, i love how ''PIMP'' is shaft are!

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Does the warrior stick...still have the commander mention? Anyways, i love how ''PIMP'' is shaft are!

just a plain gold shaft with "Warrior" written on it

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That's what I wanted to be sure of. Moo-Lay hasn't used Easton since the early part of the 2003-04 season. That shaft is probably no different than the Hespeler he used the past two seasons.

my guess is that they put the silver decal that he had on his custom Hespeler shaft on his warrior stick. after all the same place makes both of those sticks.

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Warrior has been on the market for a bit now but they recently got bought out by New Balance, yes New Balance. And guess who New Balance also bought out? Innovative hockey. So New Balance owns Innovative and Warrior hockey, the sticks you see in the NHL these days are just Innovative one-pieces with Warrior graphics. Innovative also manufactures most one-pieces for other leading hockey companies, they produce more than half of the one pieces on the market.

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Original Equipment Mfg...

...also I'm sure Warrior didn't pay Holmes and co. all that $ to leave Easton just to sell repainted Novius, True 1 and Fused 1100's..

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Original Equipment Mfg...

...also I'm sure Warrior didn't pay Holmes and co. all that $ to leave Easton just to sell repainted Novius, True 1 and Fused 1100's..

true but from what it looks like the specs are similar to the 1100's and true ones, maybe they will release something at all-star break or end of season

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