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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Famous Brand One-Piece Composite Hockey Stick 2005

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Based on the comments posted on the forum, I thought I would post a review.

I ordered 2 of this from Perani's last week. I ordered the N106 with their stiffest flex they had which I think is a 240.

I am 6'2, 220lbs. I am used to using a Easton Synergy pro-stock OPS. I have been using the 2003 gold synergy with a Marchment curve (Similar to the Drury).

Overall, the stick feels and looks like the Vapour XXX. There is a lot of whip to the stick itself (or compared to what I am used to).

The puck seems to come off my stick faster than usual, but as always with whippier sticks, you lose control of where the shot goes. Its pretty funny watching the puck arrive before the goalie's leg has a chance to move.

Next time I get a chance, I will have them bring out the speed gun to test the speeds between shots to see how well it goes.

One observation that was made by a friend was that the stick looks like its going to snap in a short time frame so we will see if I can break this stick in less than a month. I skate 3-5 times a week, so it should get a good workout.


For $100, its a big improvement over the previous OPS no name brands that were offered 2 years ago (unbranded innovative).

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Some thread mentioned that it does have the grip... So it is a sweet deal. I might get mine on the weekend but still quite uncertain because I've heard that the xn10 is better performing.. i dont know if it's true coz i havent tried both.

Can anyone tell the difference between the vapor xxx and xn10?

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I compared the stick vs a branded XXX stick. They have almost the exact same feel in terms of grip. For those that haven't tried one before, its not as sticky as a yellow synergy but you still get a decent grip.


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I went to Peranis in Taylor and saw them...same stick as the XXX.

Man on a Misson :ph34r:

Now I feel bad for dropping the $$$ on the Vapor

Edit: Even more than I did already cause I hate the stick....thats a different story, though.

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Its pretty funny watching the puck arrive before the goalie's leg has a chance to move.

Exactly why goal pads need to be bigger, not smaller! :D

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Could anyone that ordered these sticks check the manufacturers label on the inside. I ordered two from 1800faceoff that were stamped a 280 flex on the outside, but the manufacturers numbers is 320/V30/320 on the inside.

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I went to Peranis in Taylor and saw them...same stick as the XXX.

Man on a Misson :angry:

Now I feel bad for dropping the $$$ on the Vapor

Edit: Even more than I did already cause I hate the stick....thats a different story, though.

I was bored and I was in the neighborhood. I almost picked up some Cooper Pro shoulder pads with Flak caps for $20. They even had Flak (the old ones, not the SMU) there.

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Could anyone that ordered these sticks check the manufacturers label on the inside. I ordered two from 1800faceoff that were stamped a 280 flex on the outside, but the manufacturers numbers is 320/V30/320 on the inside.

Mine are stamped 320 on the inside and the outside.

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Is the "toe open" liste on the 1800faceoff site a P91?

I think the toe open is the P92 or Sakic clone. The N91 is the P91 or Drury clone.

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these have a warrenty or what? lately i break twigs everday

I dont think so. I've never seen warrenties on blems.

These are not blems. They are over runs and they are Inno made Vapor XXXs without the graphics. I bought and have been using for the last week. Like I said somewhere else.. If you can get over the fact that they are an unbranded stick, it's not LIKE a Vapor XXX, it IS a Vapor XXX.

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I got the Winnwell g300s (white) instead of the blue Vapor XXX overruns. I think this one is a Inno TrueOne under the paint. Perani's gave me a 30 day warranty on the stick. I think it was 89.99 for one and 129.99 for a pair as opposed to 119.99 for one of the blue ones. This was at the Perani's in Livonia. The Perani's in Ann Arbor has the g300 selling for 79.99. If you want the ugly silver ones with the Perani's logo on it, it's 69.99, but same stick as the g300.

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I got the Winnwell g300s (white) instead of the blue Vapor XXX overruns. I think this one is a Inno TrueOne under the paint. Perani's gave me a 30 day warranty on the stick. I think it was 89.99 for one and 129.99 for a pair as opposed to 119.99 for one of the blue ones. This was at the Perani's in Livonia. The Perani's in Ann Arbor has the g300 selling for 79.99. If you want the ugly silver ones with the Perani's logo on it, it's 69.99, but same stick as the g300.

Would this mean that if i ''scratch'' with a key the paint job...i could get the true1 design or the same checkboard composite like the true1??

By the way, are the winwell grip? just to confirm...so this stick must be pretty light!?

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The Winnwell has no grip coating. It's pretty light, but not 300 g (even though they name it g300). I didn't scratch off the paint, but the blade isn't painted and it has the carbon weave pattern in it. It says the flex is 300, and it feels like my 70 flex Cyclone shaft. This is my first OPS, so I don't have anytning else to compare it to, but the feel for the puck is between my wood stick and my Focus Flex-Ultralight two piece combination.

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That's just brutal. I just picked up some blacked-out Ballistics on eBay and I'm hoping those last a little bit and are actually a 120 flex.

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No, but I can take a pic of my trash can if you'd like.

They would be nice sticks, but I don't know if they're worth $10 for every shot I took.

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