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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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whats this?

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There is another topic in here about redisgned SLs. Somebody posted a picture of a Brad Richards thing from THN and it says he uses an SL Sicore, which caused some speculation that maybe Easton is up to something.

I think Cobraa mentioned he has seen one and said it has a new ratings system on the decals and it is now 430gs instead of 425g.

Or...the stick above is just some kind of Pro Custom.

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It is mentionedas a pro stock,and might be a prototype color way.Made before the orange was chosen,most likely

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yes they are different...but they changed 5 gram,now they are marked at 450gr so i would think that it was a pro custom color...

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Im thinkin its a pro stock si core stick painted to look like a ST grip to help marketing. Kinda like how poti's "z bubble" is really a aluminum shaft. Or, it could be a new si-core. I dont know.

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it weird because...didn't pro stock stick was black-out where the gram and performance rating was..?just a black hole...

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This would end up saying..it a retail stick...could it be a new stick?? I doubt it because i wouldn't understand why easton used to have the sicore(orange) then stop making them...and re-retail them with the same weight and performance just a different color ..make no sens to me

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This is the old style graphics on them as well. IIRC Easton was going to make the SiCore blue before orange but changed their mind because of CCM's blue one piece, so maybe this is some sort of a test batch stick?

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I bet some guy, who was REALLY bored, found a big package of green and red markers so he had something to waste his time on.

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