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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Need Help ASAP

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My parents are gone on vacation for a week and I have dont want to eat instant food or something disguistingly unhealthy all week. I'm basically covered for breakfast and lunch but its dinner meals I need help with. I don't want anything too hard to make but I'm open for suggestions.

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seriously you can dress it up or down depending on your cash situation and after the main course you can make nachos the next day...taco salad...and more chili...

if your intrested pm me and i can give you a few tips or even a kick a@@ recipe.

other things to try:

tyson pre cooked chickens, just pop them in the microwave. add a veggie and your set.

frozen lasagna. mum would kill me but its not bad with hot sauce and pepper <_<

fajitas, get one of those kits in the frozen section.

shoot...anything in the frozen section is pretty decent nowadays. shrimp stir fry...rice bowls...pasta....ect

did i mention chili j/k :D

good luck

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I agree on Chili, one pot full could last me the entire week before I eventually got sick off it. Don't forget soup too, chicken noodle, beef barley, tomato, ect....

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Most stores around here have some pre-cooked chicken strips (not breaded and not deep fried) those are always great to have around. Add them to salad or to pasta or even to soup to add a little more body.

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Easiest thing and sadly one of the things I still like is a box of elbow macaroni, tuna and parmesan cheese or pepper.

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Make some beans and hot dogs, chop up the hot dogs into little pices and then throw them into the beans. Best little snack ever or just make alot and eat that..... or.......

a tune melt.break with tuna init and melt cheese over it

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Get the 5 pack of kraft Mac + Cheese and 2 heads of lettice w/ good dressing.

All good suggestions. My buddy lived on Chili for a week as well. Sandwiches are always easy and healthy (depending on what you put in 'em). I love sandwiches, as long as you have good bread and fixins.

Lettuce, however, is generally devoid of any nutritional value. It's like eating water. Get some berries or greens in there. Frozen vegetables are sometimes higher in nutrient value than their fresh counterparts, believe it or not. So that said, grab a bag of frozen veggies and make some stir fry. Steam them if you have to and just add a bit of butter.

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Pasta! It's easy to cook, but please dont put ketcup on it, that's disgusting!

There are several variants on how to made some really easy, PM if you want some fast and easy recipes!

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Ramen! Except for the minor detail that one thing of Ramen is like your whole daily sodium value, but what the hey, it's a college kid's diet. =D (or mine even, at 16)

Missed the whole "grossly unhealthy" bit, oh well. My choice still stands for me! =)

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Lettuce, however, is generally devoid of any nutritional value.  It's like eating water. 

Iceberg lettuce is the crunchy water. However, romaine lettuce, red/green leaf lettuce, and spinach have lots of nutritional value. Basically as a rule of thumb: the greener it is, the better it is for you.

Remember...5 a Day! Sorry, I'm a produce manager/buyer for a living...I have to preach that. :P

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burgers or steak on the grill

around here grocery stores sell rotessori chickens get one of those

as stated above stir fry

tyson has crock pot meals (frozen foods)

pancakes are always good

my wife loves seafood creapes with srimph and scallops (i'll give you or anyone else the recipe if wanted. pm me)

home made pizza

sloppy joes

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