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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Eagle Gloves

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my lhs had those. they're pretty much the only eagle gloves i'd buy, since they have split fingers. nice gloves

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i've always been a fan of the one piece fingers, though the hgt's i got recently have sold me on split fingers, but i wouldn't turn down one-piece fingers ever

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Aren't those the ones Vapor ordered a year or so ago and after a while they told him they couldn't make them?

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If yall remember the Paragon's were taken out of the Eagle catalogue about 2 years ago. As some of you may know, Vapor had some ordered but had to change it because Eagle were no longer making them.

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Aren't those the ones Vapor ordered a year or so ago and after a while they told him they couldn't make them?

It actually is a different glove than what was planned back when Vapor had ordered them.

It was decided that since the name was out there, it would be used.

The glove has a pretty interesting split finger design, plastic, lock thumb, and tapered gussets.

I look forward to seeing them at the show.

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If yall remember the Paragon's were taken out of the Eagle catalogue about 2 years ago.  As some of you may know, Vapor had some ordered but had to change it because Eagle were no longer making them.

Paragon's were never made or delivered back in '03.

They were featured in the catalogue but were never made, Vapor's were ordered and got a call back saying the gloves weren't going to be made anymore.

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Aren't those the ones Vapor ordered a year or so ago and after a while they told him they couldn't make them?

It actually is a different glove than what was planned back when Vapor had ordered them.

It was decided that since the name was out there, it would be used.

The glove has a pretty interesting split finger design, plastic, lock thumb, and tapered gussets.

I look forward to seeing them at the show.

I think you'll be interested to see other things in the Eagle booth at the shows.

Please tell me we'll be seeing Eagle "booth babes". I've been really disappointed at the utter lack of half-nekkid women at the shows. ;)

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So those Rob Blake gloves that were seen a couple of weeks ago in a pic were just nylon Paragons with Eagle written on them instead of the eagle head.

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So those Rob Blake gloves that were seen a couple of weeks ago in a pic were just nylon Paragons with Eagle written on them instead of the eagle head.

Nope. Far different.

those ones looked like they had a double split down the backrolls, splitting them into 3 sections rather than two.

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So those Rob Blake gloves that were seen a couple of weeks ago in a pic were just nylon Paragons with Eagle written on them instead of the eagle head.

Nope. Far different.

ahhh headache! :P :lol:

Bring me to your leader!!! ;)

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