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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warrior "Starskie"

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Apparently, Modano is using the Starsky. Hadn't gotten a close look at it yet. Wonder if it is different at all from the old Inno lines or if it's an entirely new product?

On the shaft it says "Inno Design" and there is a Federov pattern. The stick in my hands felt an awful lot like the Vapor XXX and they had them with and without Soft Grip.

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For all you guys who can't live without the latest, there's been a sighting of the new Warrior "Starskie" at one of the LHS around here.

How much did it cost?

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That's the one painted like the Starskie and Hutch car, righ? Didn't someone say that it wasn't the top end model, and that the stick the pros were using were Mack Daddy's painted to look like the Starskie?

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The one Modano was using was black (at least at the top handle). The announcers referred to it as the "Starsky & Hutch". Don't know what model it was, but I did see the Inno design/logo near the top of the handle. I thought it made a statement about the Reebok sticks.

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how they are? why do people always say...i saw it, my friend has one.. my LHS as a display etc etc... but don't say anything else... lol

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i hope they make some tapered blades the same as the inno ones because i really want to try one and every store ive checked on the internet only has fedorov LH tapered innos.

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Does anyone know if the Mogilny retail pattern will still be available?

It might have been renamed .

EDIT:Im ordering a Starskie Grip tomorrow,so ill leave a little review once I use it.

I hope the Kovalev is still a drury clone.

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What would the Smyth and Draper curves look like assuming that Kovy and Federov curves are the same?

What curve would be closest to P106 or Crosby type curve?

Im pretty sure the Draper was an inno retail curve. Smyth might be a renamed Mccarty Inno retail.

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