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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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159.99 US for a shaft?!?!

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If top end OPS are $200+, you can expect the high end tapered shafts to start being more expensive.

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Please dont cry men!! Top end shaft like R2XN10 are 210us in my area...and i am in MONTREAL...

and i'm sure europeen pay them even more...

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Those were going for $99 on...I want to say Hockey2.com, about a month ago. My brother picked 2 up but I can't stand tapered.

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LOL, my favourite part of that was "Long taper design fits short hosel blades, looks better and allows easier loading"

i remember a couple years ago, PIAS was selling zbubble grip shafts for $180.00 canadian, so $159.99USD doesn't really seem like THAT much.

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Be happy guys. I deal with British people all the time at my work and they go nuts because hockey equipment is ridiculously cheap in Toronto in comparison to back at home. They would have to pay the same nominal value, but only in pounds. Doing your math, that makes things a little more than double the price. Thus, a pair of Vapor XXX in Can go retail for $700, over there, they go for 700 pounds which makes them over $1400. Think of that eh? $1400 for skates???

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you have to admit is better looking than any other ccm offering..

i have one from a broken ops, and it is a real nice light shaft...

my only complaint is the cheap stickers on ccm stuff..

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