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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Just saw the Nike Bauer 06 Catalogue at work

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the bauers have teh SDP and SDP Pro which are pretty similar to the supreme series. not sure if theyre being continued this year though. does anyone else notice that the MIA cuffs are extremely small? i tried them on at my LHS, they feel nice, and the coff is very open and wide, but its really cut short.

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Why can't company's just make a traditional glvoe like the HG1 or Easton customs and just continue to improve it each year? These don't even look like hockey gloves now.

I agree. Traditional style gloves (or whatever random product you can imagine, hockey or non-hockey products alike) will never be "out of style" but will always be around even if they're slightly modified and improved once in a while. The modern funky style stuff will be hip for a year or two and then cease to exist, only to get replaced by some other weird non-traditional design.

Reminds me of when Mission tried to go with all those funky 3 fingered gloves....they finally saw the light and went to the traditional styling and 4 fingered gloves.

Problem with Nike (Which RBK has avoided) is when they are in a "new" area of sport...they gimmick it up first before the get it right.

Most customers want evolution....not revolution. Nike seems to always to try revolutionize their product line instead of evolving them.

You would be surprised to hear how many people in the industry liked the three finger glove.

I know some people like them....not disagreeing with you but, if they were so "liked" why don't we see them around any more?

Personally I couldn't ever get used to the feel.

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I know some people like them....not disagreeing with you but, if they were so "liked" why don't we see them around any more?

Personally I couldn't ever get used to the feel.

Because with products that are radically different from the norm, you have to have educated sales people who actually understand what the benefits of the product really are. The S series skate from mission is the same way. If you just put it on the wall, it doesn't sell very well. However if you explain the supplefit concepts almost everyone will try it on and most of the people who put it on go home with it.

I always tell my reps that if they give me a story behind the product I can move more of them. Then again, most shops hire a bunch of kids who only want to sit on their ass and take money, not educate the customer and help them make the right equipment decision for themselves. I don't mean that as an insult to those here who manage/work in shops but we've all been in a shop where you can spend half an hour and not get as much as a "hello".

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And just for the record, is there any traditional backrolled gloves besides the L7, Eagles, and MIA's? Should the easton's second 2 be counted?

The CCM Tacks gloves are pretty traditional - not quite as much as the '03-'04 gloves but pretty close.

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In my laughter I almost forgot to say whats the deal with the Gagne curve no longer available? I herd a rumor that you would be able to get sticks customized to your preference is that so?

If its already been asked Im sorry I didnt want to read through 11 pages and 768 replies of "sweet" "ugly" or "tight".

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id assume the minimum would be 6 of them because i couldnt see nike/bauer doing all that colour work for just one stick. if your looking for the gagne pattern i know i still have some gagne nike apollo sticks here

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but jesus those 90 series gloves are terrible looking

They kinda have a "Skeletor" look to me....lol.

"Now that finally I have my gloves...50/50 season here I come!"skeletor08.jpg


I usually try to refrain from pointless posts, but those are hilarious :P

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If you look at the picture of Bertuzzi and Naslund, Naslund is using a wood stick with Nike Bauer One90 graphics and One90 gloves.

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