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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What shin pads stay put?

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I have some old CCM Shin pads that have always had the bad habit of twisting to the inside when I play. My LHS has one pair of CCM's that fits me but a gentle tap and it's twisted just like my old ones.

I don't use tape on the outside of my socks (seems really wasteful,) and would like to avoid starting to use it. Are there any models of shin guards out there that stay where you put them?

A little side rant here:

I was up in St. Paul this weekend and thought I'd hit HockeyGiant and try a bunch on to see what felt right. What a waste of time. ~200 pairs of Gear Big Daddys, a couple 17" Nike's (I need 15") one 15" CCM identical to the one at my LHS, and the rest of their inventory was jr sizes. Grrrrr :angry:

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You could get some shinpad sleeves. Jofa pads really fit me well- the knee cup is formed very well and lock your shin in. Pretty bulky though. Tape really is your best bet though.

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What model CCMs do you use?

I can't remember the model, they are pushing 15 years old. I can't believe the elastic hasn't worn out yet.

Lotta love for the Jofa's so far, interesting...

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I've got a pair of the older Vapor 6 shinpads, it has the tapegroove in it where your tape will lock in. But then again, you did mention you don't use tape, so..

What I really like about my shinpads and its also a good feature, theres 2 little vents for air to pass thru and help cool the legs on both the shinpad and the first layer of protection. The third layer covers those holes and that is where your shin will sit. Its very nice and I've always been impressed by it.

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I use the RBK 6K shins (I think they're the next one of the Jofa 9040s?) -- heavy-duty protection, and I'm sure the three-strap system would keep them in place (though I use tape), especially for those with bigger calves than me. When I use them without the back wrap, the two main velcro straps are a little looser for my taste. With the back wraps, not an issue.

Again, none of it's an issue for me since I tape in the top groove and around the bottom (about 2 or three inches up).

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Just buy some velcro shin pad straps. Put them on over the shin pad, yet under the hockey socks. You should be just fine (that's what I use and never have an issue). Naturally, you want to buy the tightest velcro strap possible without cutting off any circulation. The ones I use aren't adjustable, but I have seen ones that are. The shin pad sleeves that Drew mentioned would probably work too, but the strap method is great because you can put one of the straps just beneath the knee yet have it hook over the top of your calf muscle and it stays in place quite well.

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A little side rant here:

I was up in St. Paul this weekend and thought I'd hit HockeyGiant and try a bunch on to see what felt right.  What a waste of time.  ~200 pairs of Gear Big Daddys, a couple 17" Nike's (I need 15")  one 15" CCM  identical to the one at my LHS, and the rest of their inventory was jr sizes.  Grrrrr :huh:

I've found many of the LHS's to have a far better inventory/selection than the HG stores. Their shoulders and shins racks invariably seems to be almost empty.

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If your shin pads are rotating off of your knee, then you are an orthopedic surgery case waiting to happen. Get some tape and wrap them good before you end up in the hospital.

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A little side rant here:

I was up in St. Paul this weekend and thought I'd hit HockeyGiant and try a bunch on to see what felt right. What a waste of time. ~200 pairs of Gear Big Daddys, a couple 17" Nike's (I need 15") one 15" CCM identical to the one at my LHS, and the rest of their inventory was jr sizes. Grrrrr :angry:

That's because all the good stuff gets picked out of the stores for the internet orders.

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So, what's the relationship between RBK shins and Jofa Shins? I know RBK owns Jofa, but I'm wondering if RBK shin pads are rebadged Jofas. If they are rebadged, is there any model # number correlation? (ie 6500 = 6K or something like that)

Also, do all Jofa pads fit similar or is one model better than the rest?

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Jofas with shinguard straps and clear tape.

That's about the only way to keep them in place. I got a pair for x-mas one year and I couldn't get them to stay in place without tape and straps and that just felt way too restrictive.

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Jofas with shinguard straps and clear tape.

That's about the only way to keep them in place. I got a pair for x-mas one year and I couldn't get them to stay in place without tape and straps and that just felt way too restrictive.

A lot probably also has to do with how long your shin guards are in conjunction to where they meet your ankle/skates. I get mine extra long, tuck the tongue under the shin, and it rides right on top of my foot over the front of my laces where the ankle ends (make sense?). So, when leaning forward and striding, if I did not have my straps holding it in place, it might jostle around.

Also, where does the pant leg end? Does it cause the shin guard to "catch" when bent at the knee.

However, if I wore a 15 instead of a 16, perhaps I wouldn't need the extra straps.

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