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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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One Goal Hockey Show - Boston - 1/7/06 - 1/9/06

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that's all great Jimmy, but is there Jell-0 at the buffet? I think that's what really makes a good one, so I've heard!!

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I will be going.  Sorry, Rich, but as of right now Kristin is a go.

damn you! Ok anyone going that needs a hotel room-mate, lemme know

if my company doesn't pay for me to go, then i could use a roommate to help split the costs.... but i hope they pay

If you and I don't fly you can ride up from here.

might have to take you up on that one.

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Boston....yeah, no one should know that name up there so it'll be good to use there without a slap as a repercussion.

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Boston....yeah, no one should know that name up there so it'll be good to use there without a slap as a repercussion.

Until we post a pic of your credential hanging between a pair of breasticles.

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i too will be there. now if this industry will get its crap together and get back to one show, things will be soooooo much better!

I disagree. One show cuts a lot of independent shops out of the loop. Unlike the big buying groups and chain stores, small shops don't have the travel bugets, nor time to leave their businesses for "4-day vacations" to Vegas, right smack in the middle of hockey season. Having 2 shows one in the East and one in the west at least makes it doable for a whole lot to attend a show for a day.

Now if the show was in May, then that's a different story.

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sorry jimmy... gotta disagree with ya on a couple notes.

but first let me agree that the show is too early. last year was better. first weekend in feb at least gave some dealers a chance to do their inventories, look at what christmas sales were, and have some sort of a plan for the next year.

where i have to disagree is that the industry needs a show on both sides of the country. when the industry was in its prime, and there was 1 show... in montreal, things worked well. dealers came... did their business, and had their fun. 80% of bookings were done at that show. the dealers knew when they came home from the show, what they had spent for almost the entire year... and the factories/reps knew what they sold and knew what they had to produce for the year.

the advantage to that setting, is that companies were willing to offer either extra specials, or even pick up part of your expenses to come to the show. 1 show worked.

the problem with 2 shows is exactly what we are faced with right now. dealers are going to go to a show, and not see all that they need to see... and a lot of manufacturers (most) are not going to spend the money to set up at both shows. yes, some of them are, but at what cost?

2 shows creates a seperation of the industry, especially when they overlap in dates... STUPID!!!

now i do understand your comments about cost of getting to the show... but if there were incentives to go to the show... ie. booking discounts if you booked at the show, that your show booking savings would come close to your costs of attending... isnt that worth it???

my hopes revolve around a plan for a single, moving show. lets say, boston: Jan 2006, vancouver: Feb 2007, chicago: Feb 2008, Montreal: Feb 2009, Pheonix: Feb 2010, Toronto: Feb 2011...... go east coast of one country, then west coast other country, then middle of either, then back to east, west, middle... you get my drift. that way, at least once every 3 years it is closer to you. but also, one year middle, and one year you really have to travel. is that so bad?

no reason that the shows can't be planned to move like this... and it keeps everybody happy, and you don't see the same old town every year. no offense to vegas, but ive been there for 5 LPH shows, i'd really rather not go back there for work... next time i go there, it will hopefully be pleasure. i don't mind hitting boston, but then, lets go somewhere else.

2 shows just doesn't help this industry get stronger... it is tearing it apart!

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If anybody attending the show is interested, we can give you a special MSH tour of the RbK/CCM booth.

I will try to organize a Product Manager from each category to give you MSH members as detailed of a tour as you wish.

We might have to set up a few tours to keep it interactive. Still lots of time to the show, but if there is interest we can set it up closer to Christmas when everybody's travel plans are finalized.


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i too will be there.  now if this industry will get its crap together and get back to one show, things will be soooooo much better!

I disagree. One show cuts a lot of independent shops out of the loop. Unlike the big buying groups and chain stores, small shops don't have the travel bugets, nor time to leave their businesses for "4-day vacations" to Vegas, right smack in the middle of hockey season. Having 2 shows one in the East and one in the west at least makes it doable for a whole lot to attend a show for a day.

Now if the show was in May, then that's a different story.

Having it on a weekend makes it even worse for a small shop like mine.

2 shows creates a seperation of the industry, especially when they overlap in dates... STUPID!!!

You can blame that one on the IHIA and CSG, they want to kill the LPH show.

my hopes revolve around a plan for a single, moving show. lets say, boston: Jan 2006, vancouver: Feb 2007, chicago: Feb 2008, Montreal: Feb 2009, Pheonix: Feb 2010, Toronto: Feb 2011...... go east coast of one country, then west coast other country, then middle of either, then back to east, west, middle... you get my drift. that way, at least once every 3 years it is closer to you. but also, one year middle, and one year you really have to travel. is that so bad?

Montreal is already planned for next year if I'm not mistaken.

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As a small store, it kills to get out there and pay for rooms. Especially in a place like Boston. With flights, its like a $1000-$1500 weekend. Not easy for a small store. Especially on a weekend. When half the staff will be at the show.

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As a small store, it kills to get out there and pay for rooms. Especially in a place like Boston. With flights, its like a $1000-$1500 weekend. Not easy for a small store. Especially on a weekend. When half the staff will be at the show.

Exactly! You have to make it afforable and easy for folks to get to the shows.

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i too will be there.  now if this industry will get its crap together and get back to one show, things will be soooooo much better!

I disagree. One show cuts a lot of independent shops out of the loop. Unlike the big buying groups and chain stores, small shops don't have the travel bugets, nor time to leave their businesses for "4-day vacations" to Vegas, right smack in the middle of hockey season. Having 2 shows one in the East and one in the west at least makes it doable for a whole lot to attend a show for a day.

Maybe this answer is gray. I'd rather there would be only one show for a couple of reasons.

Just as it's too expensive for the small shops to travel far for The Show, it's very difficult for smaller vendors to exhibit at two shows. I started to add up my anticipated expenses and realized it was approaching $4K - $5K: booth, freight, utilities, travel, brochures, etc. Theoretically, we offer enough products to absorb those expenses, although doubling them would make it very tough. Multiply by ten for the larger companies, and then double, and I'm sure it's just as painful for them.

But think about the vendors like Oggie Grip or Funk Free, who have only one product. Maybe they could cut their costs by $1500, but you're still talking about $7K if they had to go to two shows. If they don't have enough marketing capital for two shows, they have to cross their fingers that they made the right decision on which show to go to.

I've said it before, but I think the IHIA's philosophy is wrong, probably because it's dominated by the larger companies. They seem to want a show that's convenient to them, rather than convenient to their customers. But let's face it, there's a big expense to exhibitiing, so it's crucial that the show be at a time and location that will maximize the number of retailers that attend.

I've always been a big fan of survey/polls. Just ask the retailers, "Where do you want your show and when?" If there's no consensus, then this rotating idea is fine, but if the consensus is Vegas in April, then why fight the tide?

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With all of the "off-schedule" releases in recent years the larger manufacturers are making the show at least partially irrelevant.

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It's interesting. I've seen a number of retailers express their displeasure with the manufacturers constantly coming out with new products, which devalue the current inventory. And yet I think the manufacturers are scared that they HAVE to come out with newer products or they'll begin to lose the arms race.

I don't know the answer to that conundrum.

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It's interesting. I've seen a number of retailers express their displeasure with the manufacturers constantly coming out with new products, which devalue the current inventory. And yet I think the manufacturers are scared that they HAVE to come out with newer products or they'll begin to lose the arms race.

I don't know the answer to that conundrum.

Kids are becoming conditioned to expect new stuff every 6 months and that doesn't benefit the small guys. Either manufacturers or retailers.

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