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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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My Custom Grafs

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Personally i would of put a little more red into it, I just dont like the look of having one piece red then the others dont match. Other than that they're nice looking skates! How much did they run you? What custom options did you get?

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I changed the lining,colour,tongue,tendon guard,and did embroidery on the outside with the canadian flag and the inside with my nickname. My next ones will be all white

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Its my first post.. but I have to say, that those are the slickest looking skates I have ever seen :)

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very nice! how much does a custom job cost?

$150cdn for customizing, $50 for embrodiery. Ontop of retail price, but it can vary from shop to shop.

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How did you figure this custom?? did you had to make a photoshop design??

Like echi24 said:dont think he meant how do you figure these are custom, but rather how did you configure this custom design

how did you manage to configure this design?

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Because those are the skates he owns and last I checked you can't buy skates that say "soggy" on the interior let alone have a red back.

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i dont think he meant how do you figure these are custom, but rather how did you configure this custom design...

nice skates, im not a fan of the red, but then again i like skates with a plain look.

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thanks guys for all the positive remarks for my skates,as to the question on how I cam up with the design, well alot of time I spend in class is where i design future skates, I already have another 3 designs that ive written out. I dont draw or photoshop them I just think about how the boot looks and do it. My dad also got a pair his are very sharp. Instead of having the embroidery on the inside like mine he has his on the outside which say "BOSS" as in Hugo Boss looks identical to there stitiching. as for the tendon guard and tongue I saw those and figured id use them in my boot since I sometimes find the graf tendon guard abit too restricting. Im going to be skating on these on tuesday which is a shame since they look so nice but just wait till you see my next pair. The next pair will blow peoples minds away

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if you ask me

1)they would look 10x better if they were 703 SUPRA because theyre mainly all black

2) They look silly with red to silver graphite then black graphite then yellow Graf logo

3)these skates would look awesome if:

they were graf supra 703 etc with a red graf logo, and the red bit you had as usual except at the back where it says 'Graf Supra' etc etc, with the writing instead of gold be white,

Ok Though,

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