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Swoosh/RBK logos

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The NBH catalog thread has guys posting that they do not like seeing the swoosh logo on NBH product. My question is why doesn't anyone complain about seeing "RBK" logo going over Jofa moving forward? Nike has put in 10 years on the hockey landscape and RBK started with zero last year, yet no uproar about "Oh my God, its RBK, I'll never wear that!" Any comments??

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My gut reaction is because Nike has its fingers in so many markets whereas Reebok is not as visible.

I am not sure about Reebok, but you can buy Nike basketballs, baseballs, baseball gloves, soccer balls, soccer shoes, golf balls, golf clubs, etc.

Also, Nike is putting swooshes on all Bauer gear in addition to their own line. I think most people see this as the beginning of the end of Bauer branded gear.

I think you would hear the same reaction if there were RBK CCM Vector or Pro Tack skates or RBK CCM gear.

I don't think Jofa had as much brand loyalty in NA

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Nike comes with extra baggage that RBK does not. They are known as a slave labour company and many people believe they have ruined Bauer. In addition their first run products had a godly like presence (at least in my area) which was followed by major dissappointment. Nike had everything RBK has now, except they ruined it by putting forth poor quality products and crashing an extremely popular brand.

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If that's the reason, then those same people who refuse to try any Nike hockey gear must also not use any Microsoft products, or are they hypocrites who pick and choose which conglomerates to hate.

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that's an apples to oranges comparison. With Bauer/Nike you have plenty of options. CCM, TPS, Graf, Easton. With Windows you do not. Especially on the small scale business applications.

Here is a question: if Windows is so bad, then why is it everywhere. And if the answer is because of their ability to market the product, then why isn't Nike/Bauer everywhere, because no one in the sporting goods business markets like Nike.

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that's an apples to oranges comparison.  With Bauer/Nike you have plenty of options.  CCM, TPS, Graf, Easton.  With Windows you do not.  Especially on the small scale business applications.

Here is a question:  if Windows is so bad, then why is it everywhere.  And if the answer is because of their ability to market the product, then why isn't Nike/Bauer everywhere, because no one in the sporting goods business markets like Nike.

Microsoft is everywhere because once they became big they would simply buy out or crush any competitor who came up with a better product. There is a reason why the US government has been after Microsoft for years on anti-trust violations.

As for the options to NBH, this is true. However, most of the folks here who have a hate on for Nike claim it is because Nike bought its way into the market even though they went about establishing its own identity in the market with a separate gear line. I wonder if these same people put up such a stink when Canstar melded Cooper and Micron into the Bauer umbrella of products.

On the marketing aspect, the only gear commercials run in this area are by RBK. Look at the boards during the next NHL game you watch, notice the RBK symbol on the red line and blue lines on the boards? Does NBH have any exclusive gear contracts remotely as extensive as the RBK/THC deals with the AHL and ECHL? Just a little food for thought.

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As for the options to NBH, this is true. However, most of the folks here who have a hate on for Nike claim it is because Nike bought its way into the market even though they went about establishing its own identity in the market with a separate gear line. I wonder if these same people put up such a stink when Canstar melded Cooper and Micron into the Bauer umbrella of products.

They were still riding their bicycles when that happened!

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As for the options to NBH, this is true.  However, most of the folks here who have a hate on for Nike claim it is because Nike bought its way into the market even though they went about establishing its own identity in the market with a separate gear line.  I wonder if these same people put up such a stink when Canstar melded Cooper and Micron into the Bauer umbrella of products.

They were still riding their bicycles when that happened!

How about when Oakley swallowed up 1Xcel? Or when, I forget whether it was Brian's or Heaton, was taken in by I believe THC and then the brand was dropped? Were there rumblings like those against NBH? The funny thing is, the gear that is made under the Bauer name currently won't all suddenly disappear, it will just be rebranded, an idea which will reduce marketing costs since they won't have to market 2 distinct brands.

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I am not sure about Reebok, but you can buy Nike basketballs, baseballs, baseball gloves, soccer balls, soccer shoes, golf balls, golf clubs, etc.

If people do not buy nike because of their involvement in other sports, then these people shouldn't buy Easton products. Easton makes sports equipment for several different sports and I don't hear as many people saying they dislike Easton as they do Nike.

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If that's the reason, then those same people who refuse to try any Nike hockey gear must also not use any Microsoft products, or are they hypocrites who pick and choose which conglomerates to hate.

That doesn't mean that they're hypocrites, it means that they want to have access to as much software as possible. If there's somethign that works as well as nike for you and you get it, you don't lose out on anything. There's no real compatibility issue. If you hate msft and want to go another way, even if it's better, you have to deal with compatibility issues.

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If that's the reason, then those same people who refuse to try any Nike hockey gear must also not use any Microsoft products, or are they hypocrites who pick and choose which conglomerates to hate.

That doesn't mean that they're hypocrites, it means that they want to have access to as much software as possible. If there's somethign that works as well as nike for you and you get it, you don't lose out on anything. There's no real compatibility issue. If you hate msft and want to go another way, even if it's better, you have to deal with compatibility issues.

Because Microsoft bludgeoned other development companies into being Microsoft compatible.

Ask anyone who has Apple which they would rather have? Of course, this is getting into the similarity between Apple vs Microsoft and Tucker vs the Big Three.

But my point is really the guys who refuse to try Nike because it is Nike. There is no reason and who knows, for some Nike could be the gear for them, if they only gave it a shot.

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I dint join this website to complain, but after reading a few of these responses, I have to throw in my 2 cents. To start, this is MHO not anything I was told or know for fact. I work in the golf business and started playing the game shortly after my college years. As the years have gone by I have seen Nike grow into something I would never have expected to see. A poor, (figuratively speaking), lonely, money hungry company. After buying the top players in the world, I thought Nike must really have something for these guys to switch that easy. I was excited to see Nike's name on Irons and driver's and shorts and shirts. I tried a few of the products and they suck. Im tired already of seeing the company buy there way into markets where they dont belong. Once they entered the hockey arena I lost all respect. Hockey is again IMHO a "mans" game I dont want to see a new kid on the block come into the hockey market and stick fancy logos on other companies equipment and demand respect. Sorry but I have none. I will not buy anything with a Nike logo. Yes Im sure I will be missing out on some good equipment in years to come, but a man has to make a stand for what he believes in. This is what I think is right. You earn your way into the market, not buy it. Just like the kid born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Always had nice stuff, just couldnt skate. G :ph34r:

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I dint join this website to complain, but after reading a few of these responses, I have to throw in my 2 cents. To start, this is MHO not anything I was told or know for fact. I work in the golf business and started playing the game shortly after my college years. As the years have gone by I have seen Nike grow into something I would never have expected to see. A poor, (figuratively speaking), lonely, money hungry company. After buying the top players in the world, I thought Nike must really have something for these guys to switch that easy. I was excited to see Nike's name on Irons and driver's and shorts and shirts. I tried a few of the products and they suck. Im tired already of seeing the company buy there way into markets where they dont belong. Once they entered the hockey arena I lost all respect. Hockey is again IMHO a "mans" game I dont want to see a new kid on the block come into the hockey market and stick fancy logos on other companies equipment and demand respect. Sorry but I have none. I will not buy anything with a Nike logo. Yes Im sure I will be missing out on some good equipment in years to come, but a man has to make a stand for what he believes in. This is what I think is right. You earn your way into the market, not buy it. Just like the kid born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Always had nice stuff, just couldnt skate. G :ph34r:

Then don't buy any RBK products because most of them are rebranded Jofa equipment. You also should stay away from Warrior sticks because those are just Innos with a new paint job. Those companies also bought their way into the market.

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all our parents grew up with bauer and its put alot of hard work into hockey and they are a great company and it would be sad if nike took them over

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Long live Sherbrooke! Long live Northland! Long live Canadian!

Over 10 years ago when Nike came into the hockey market, it was somewhat simlar to what RBK is at now, using a lot of rebranded items (ie many players in a bauer supreme with a swoosh on it ) but they also have brought some new ideas and utilzed their existing technology into products..

hell 10 years ago the man, Holmes G, who is now responsible for overseeing Warrior and was the global director for Easton's sticks,blades etc was creating gear for Nike..Nike has earned their way into the market by trial and error. success and failure..and I'll always be grateful as a retailer when they actually made it ok for us to make a profit on skates, (which were sold at wholesale beforehand thanks to Great Skate and their catalog along with most helmets)...

I don't mind Nike Air in my XV gloves or a dri-fit type lining in my XXX Lite pants, its made for better gear

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Nike puts money back into hockey at low levels, that alone gives them the ability to do things like put their branding on products. They slowly built up their hockey line.

Also, they now don't have ten different lines like other major companies. They combined the most popular features of both bauer and nike to make better products. I don't see THC doing anything close to what NBH has done. Reebok just came in, threw their name on what would have been the 05 equipment, and called it a year.

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The only thing they have really thrown their name on was the jofa protective.

Also Titan/jofa sticks and replacement blades as well as the entire Koho goalie line, including goal sticks.

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tuzzifan44 Posted on Dec 5 2005, 07:21 PM

  The only thing they have really thrown their name on was the jofa protective. 

Do you really think that 3-4 months after buying CCM, Rbk came up with their new helmet and that they fully developped it within that short period of time? I think it had been developped as a CCM helmet, and turned out to be Rbk at the last minute.

As for the skates... the Rbk isn't from Rbk itself...

Also, the goalie gear is KOHO, which is Lefevre in the end. KOHO gear sucked before they bought Lefevre. i remember those KOHO Ultimate pad in the time, and that afterward KOHO became #1 because of Michel Lefevre, and now his son Patrick. KOHO is #1 goal brand pretty much everywhere, and now Rb is. I don't think Rbk put a single new idea in the Rbk goal line of this year...

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The only thing they have really thrown their name on was the jofa protective.

Also Titan/jofa sticks and replacement blades as well as the entire Koho goalie line, including goal sticks.

If it's good gear why does it matter?

Anyhow, I don't like nike because they try to innovate things that aren't problems. Like those team canada jerseys, or those new supreme 1"ugly" gloves.

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If it's good gear why does it matter?

Anyhow, I don't like nike because they try to innovate things that aren't problems. Like those team canada jerseys, or those new supreme 1"ugly" gloves.

Did you try the glove yet? Once you do, I bet you won't wanna wear anything else for the rest of your life...

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tuzzifan44 Posted on Dec 5 2005, 07:21 PM

  The only thing they have really thrown their name on was the jofa protective. 

Do you really think that 3-4 months after buying CCM, Rbk came up with their new helmet and that they fully developped it within that short period of time? I think it had been developped as a CCM helmet, and turned out to be Rbk at the last minute.

It may have been a new CCM but it looks like it evolved from the Jofa 690. At the show last year the helmet boxes were branded Reebok and not RBK if I remember correctly.

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