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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Saw the One90

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i dont think the one90 looks too bad......i dont know if i like the clear holder though. oh yeah and the 8090 is AWESOME!

I wish bauer would of left the supreme series alone. And yes I agree the 8090's look good. The one90 looks like a dressed down nike skate. And the clear crap needs to go.

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at the hockey stop in columbus the 8090s are like $280 or so....i guess the chillers were selling XXs for like $170

I have a second pair of the 8090's. After I found out that bauer was doing away with them. My first pair 2 months ago were 380.00 Band R sports and my second pair 229.99 Hockey monkey.

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for Scott to change, these are the real deal


I searched to find what skates Scott used to wear... and when I searched "neidermeyer" I found this:



He's been in CCM's like forever. Looking through getty images, it looks like he wore Vapor XX for one game, and has used CCM's for everything else.

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Nice pick of Feds in One90s in today's NHL Gallery up top. Haven't seen him in anything but Grafs since his Nike days.

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he may have just been trying them out see what all the excitement is about

That's what you do in practice or a morning skate, not a game.

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he may have just been trying them out see what all the excitement is about

That's what you do in practice or a morning skate, not a game.

I remember Jarome Iginla giving Kor skates a 2 game test drive in 2003/2004 so it's not that far outside the realm of possibility.

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he may have just been trying them out see what all the excitement is about

That's what you do in practice or a morning skate, not a game.

Yeah this is true. I actually saw Kovy with a pair a couple of week/months ago at a morning skate.

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I thought I'd share my Bauer One90/Kor conversation I had yesterday with my friend T who's the equipment manager for an AHL team (one from the Western Conf. West Division)...

Me: so whatta ya think about the One90's?

T: Not good... Still working out the kinks. Skates are like cars, never buy a 1st year model. That and I hate the mother f***ing toilet seat/transluscent holders.

Me: (trying not to laugh) I see... So I've seen and talked to others about the Kor skate. Is the Bauer anything like it? That and have you seen the new Bauer Supreme gloves?

T: The gloves are fugly...... The One90 isn't like the Kor boot at all...thank God. The equipment guy in Peoria has a player wearing them.....God awful.... but the player says they're the most comfortable skates he's ever worn but just a pain to maintain. The skates come with their own tool kit.... if that isnt a red flag.

So there you have it... One equipment managers feelings about the new One90 and the Kor skate. I take it the commercial version of the Kor skate doesn't come with a tool kit but I don't know. T's a pretty funny guy but very upfront about this stuff since he see's it on a regular basis...

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Kor will ship shops a kit if the anchors come loose.

I know a couple of equipment guys that bitch about everything that's new or from a different company. Just because they like to whine doesn't mean either product is bad.

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I hear you chadd... I personally can't imagine the amount of crap an equipment manager has to deal with and I don't want to.... I didn't mean for the post to sound like an attack on either Kor or Bauer but rather just what it was... a conversation. There's always going to be the next "new and/or big" thing in hockey and I was just looking for some feedback on these from a different perspective than the LHS and the board. Safe to say I wouldn't be bitchin if someone gave me either to have or to try out for awhile...

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Kor will ship shops a kit if the anchors come loose.

I know a couple of equipment guys that bitch about everything that's new or from a different company. Just because they like to whine doesn't mean either product is bad.

yeah same here...I wouldn't count out the one90s just because one equipment manager said they suck. i mean look at a lot of "first year models" in hockey that were success.

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