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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Got my 9ks today

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Man these skates are very nice. Was looking arround the shop in need of new skates possibly going to Vectors again, untill my friend who works at the shop pulled me aside and says we got our 9ks in if you want to try them on. And of course I tried them on. It felt like much more of a improvement coming from vectors. Well I skate later on tonite so ill give you my first impressions later on.

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my friend got 9k's last night and he too had vectors ill post how he likes them once he wears them. I think its a little funny he wasnt allowed to pump them for 24 hrs because it would screw up the bake.


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Im getting my 9K early next week,but im not sure if they are an xmas present or if I can use them when they come.I dont think there is really a need to bake them,with the pump.

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my friend got 9k's last night and he too had vectors ill post how he likes them once he wears them. I think its a little funny he wasnt allowed to pump them for 24 hrs because it would screw up the bake.


The other possibility is that with baking the skates the bladders need time to cool down completely to avoid rupturing when pumped back up.

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my friend got 9k's last night and he too had vectors ill post how he likes them once he wears them.  I think its a little funny he wasnt allowed to pump them for 24 hrs because it would screw up the bake. 


The other possibility is that with baking the skates the bladders need time to cool down completely to avoid rupturing when pumped back up.

Well, I would assume that if you baked them then inflated the bladder, the bladder would push the side of the skate out, instead of conforming to your ankle and kill the entire purpose of the concept.

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I know some customers will ignore the advice and returne them because of a bad fit or material problems (with a 'unknown' reason)

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The whole Idea of bakeing pump's skates is ludacris! That's the reason you have the pump... Custom fit.

I second Sven, alot of idiots/impatient customers will be returning the 9k's for breakage problems or "unknown" :ph34r:

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I tried out the 9K in my LHS tonight. wow! very solid and lots of padding inside the skate. The PUMP function is cool and should help getting a fixed ankle.

Saw the 5K too. Look pretty much the same. Anyone know what exactly is the different? the 5K is made in Thailand though.

The sales also told me there will be one more PUMP skate by RBK in between 9K and 5K. Don't know whether it is true or not.

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The whole Idea of bakeing pump's skates is ludacris! That's the reason you have the pump... Custom fit.

I second Sven, alot of idiots/impatient customers will be returning the 9k's for breakage problems or "unknown" :ph34r:

but I think the baking is not only for the ankle but also the whole boot fit to the foot shape, isn't it??

the pump can only custom fit your ankle part maybe a bit of heel.

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im ordering my 9k's tonight cant wait to get them

Then you must really love your Grafs. You've had them all of what? a couple weeks?

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I tried out the 9K in my LHS tonight. wow! very solid and lots of padding inside the skate. The PUMP function is cool and should help getting a fixed ankle.

Saw the 5K too. Look pretty much the same. Anyone know what exactly is the different? the 5K is made in Thailand though.

The sales also told me there will be one more PUMP skate by RBK in between 9K and 5K. Don't know whether it is true or not.

Composite outsole


Better quarter package material

Antimicrobial liner


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The sales also told me there will be one more PUMP skate by RBK in between 9K and 5K. Don't know whether it is true or not.

Yes, there is a 7K Pump skate (looks like 9K and 5K) that replaces the 7K skate

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The sales also told me there will be one more PUMP skate by RBK in between 9K and 5K. Don't know whether it is true or not.

Yes, there is a 7K Pump skate (looks like 9K and 5K) that replaces the 7K skate

May I know what is the difference between the 8K and 7K?

Is it only the steel balde is different??

Thanks for the help!

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im ordering my 9k's tonight cant wait to get them

Then you must really love your Grafs. You've had them all of what? a couple weeks?

my rbk rep gave my dad a lil card that has a code for a free pair or rbk 9k skates

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im ordering my 9k's tonight cant wait to get them

Then you must really love your Grafs. You've had them all of what? a couple weeks?

my rbk rep gave my dad a lil card that has a code for a free pair or rbk 9k skates

Another point goes sailing over your head.

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