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According to RDS in Quebec Latendresse posed for a gay magazine and is gay.

Sorry guys I don't have a link right now. This is just a report right now nothing is comfirmed yet but this would be a huge event in professional sports if its true.

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I think what he's trying to say is that as far as we know, there has never been an openly gay athlete in any of the major pro sports. I don't know if it's true and don't really care, but that would be the significance of it anyways.

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Navratilova? Remember that name? Tennis is not significant I guess.

Anyway, besides it´s only a roumor in this case I´m pretty sure there are a couple of gay athletes out there but usually they would´t come out because it could cause them a lot of trouble. I wouldn´t want to take the trash talk they would have to.

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stefan richer is gay, thats the rumor

I remember alot of rumors of him and french singer Roch Voisine but they were never officially confirmed but they kinda were tossed out when Roch married that super hot chick. But on Latendresse there was a debate yesterday on that. He got interviewed on a gay magasine called something like the East Side (those of you that visited Montreal may know that the Eastern part of the Island if where the gay community is). He was interviewed by a girl and the pictures is simply a pic of him wearing his hockey pants, his Voltigeur socks and you see him kinda combing his hair back with his hands with nothing on his upper torso. The pics seem to have been taken in the Voltigeur's dressing room.

EDIT: The magasine is called The Village, I haven't read the article so far, only little bits but one question was if he had a gf and he only said no that he was single, so kinda weird. No "official" statement yet from his part but I don't know why people can get out of control over that. We're in the 21st century for god sakes. If he is indeed gay, good for him, it shows he can take pressure on and off the ice. People in Quebec are just flipping over it cause he would be the first openly gay person that plays hockey at a high level (probably will play for the Habs next year) and from Quebec.

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from figure skating

Aren´t those all supposed to gay :D

You'd have to be gay. Touching all that mitt and ass while not showing it because you have on skin-tight outfits is only possible if you're gay.

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Heh, fag.

LOL, just kidding. It's pretty funny though. I have no problem with it, but the guy is screwed if he gets to the NHL, and probably screwed on his team now once word gets out.

Hockey is a male dominated sport, egos, machoism, etc. Please, they are still calling the black players "gorillas" and stuff. There's no need for that, but they still do it. You would think in these times, players would wise up to that. But some haven't. And I can bet the same players that make racist remarks would be the same players to make a gay players' NHL life a living hell.

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Let me amend my earlier statement. Yes there have been openly gay athletes in figure skating, and Martina Navratilova was openly gay, but the big deal surrounding this...is that there has never been an openly gay athlete playing in one of the major north american team sports (hockey, baseball, basketball, football). Coming out as being gay is a much bigger deal in a team sport where comradery and change room bonding are vital than in an individual sport like tennis.

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Was/is Mike Danton gay? I remember hearing about that when the whole scandol around him was just getting started.

I don´t think so. But who knows....the next 7 or so years may change that

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Let me amend my earlier statement.  Yes there have been openly gay athletes in figure skating, and Martina Navratilova was openly gay, but the big deal surrounding this...is that there has never been an openly gay athlete playing in one of the major north american team sports (hockey, baseball, basketball, football).  Coming out as being gay is a much bigger deal in a team sport where comradery and change room bonding are vital than in an individual sport like tennis.

There have been football players...Saw it on "Real Sports"

Who in particular, and was it publicly known?

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Theo your right I saw that episode too. The guy was from Hawaii and I want to say played for the Giants. But I dont think he 'came out' until after his career was over.

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sportsnet did a thing called "coming out of the closet" a little while ago about gay athlete's in sports and talked about/ to some of the few people that have come out. There was speculation that mike danton was gay and his agent was his aledged partner but i dont know if that was true or not.

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No Mike isn't gay, I think he just got married a while ago. I saw him and his girl on tv, they were showing off their appartment. Crazy pad.

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No Mike isn't gay, I think he just got married a while ago. I saw him and his girl on tv, they were showing off their appartment. Crazy pad.

I thought that was funny when that rumor started though.... ESPN had a field day with it :lol:

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No Mike isn't gay, I think he just got married a while ago.  I saw him and his girl on tv, they were showing off their appartment.  Crazy pad.

I saw that. I think it was like Entertainment Tonight or Access Hollywood, one of those types of shows. It was him and his hot-ass wife (x Playmate) Alicia Rickter showing off their apartment in NYC.

I don't think he's gay, but just because he dates or is married doesn't mean he isn't gay. There is still a stigma of negativity attached to gay people, so they will do things to prevent others from labelling them as such. Look at like Rock Hudson or the Dad from Brady Bunch. Both gay. Rock Hudson was a sexual icon! But he liked guys, lol. I have heard of very wealthy business people that will have "Boy-toys" that they pay. These are Fortune 500 company leaders, CEOs, that are gay, but don't want to be looked at in a bad way. So they pay for these boy toys to stick around, but expect them to leave when they want to "Break up". The guy that killed Gianni Versace was on of those. He was living in La Jolla, CA (very affluent suberb of San Diego) with a rich business guy. The guy wanted to break up, and it made the Cunanan guy go nuts. He went around the country killing Xs and stuff. In Chicago, he killed a rich land developer that was known to be gay, but people "Looked the other way" cuz he was very powerful and nobody wanted to be the person to Out him as being homosexual.

By the way, isn't Jeff Garcia gay? Lol.

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