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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Just a warning , 3 stores in the T.O / Durham area were robbed of all there 1 piece sticks, they are out there for sale for cheap.

Don't bother to bite on the good deal , this is stolen product and this kind of stuff is why gear cost so much these days !

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That has NOTHING to do with how much sticks cost these days... Thats a matter of people doing other stupid things

Kovalchuk, sent you a PM (I dont have enough post count to post in the buy/sell forum yet).

Sorry for the threadjack.

On topic again, how would you tell if they are the stolen stock?

With Ebay and the likes, it will be very hard to trace individual sticks.

Its a damn shame, but unfortunately this is the world we live in nowadays

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That has NOTHING to do with how much sticks cost these days... Thats a matter of people doing other stupid things

Do you know the markup on sticks from stores ?

I have a pro deal with Easton so I happen to know the markup.

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That has NOTHING to do with how much sticks cost these days... Thats a matter of people doing other stupid things

Do you know the markup on sticks from stores ?

I have a pro deal with Easton so I happen to know the markup.

Sorry, pro deal or not, what I mark up my product for in the shop has never and will never have anything to do with stolen property. You are way off base trying to tie those two ideas together.

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Ok than, I respect that. Do you guys (Retailers) get full retail value back or do you get cost back ?

Being the x-mas season, I would think this would hurt your stick sales.

Just looking out for you guys on this post, I can spend hours in a hockey store just browsing and talking to the staff.

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I don't understand this topic at all.

Dlightning robs some stores in the TO/Durham area and wants to sell them in order to help LHS?

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#96, all he is saying is that stickes were stolen form LHS's around him and if people see really cheap sticks somewhere, then they might have been stolen from there

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And I guess he's also insuating that high prices on OPS are due to stolen goods and cheap selling points on Ebay?

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Ok than, I respect that. Do you guys (Retailers) get full retail value back or do you get cost back ?

I thought you knew how much sticks were at wholesale. What does full retail value mean? Why would a dealer sell a new product for cost? I'm in business to make $. My shop is not run as a charity event for hockey players. Could you be a little bit clearer about the points you are trying to make.

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Well, I for one am APPALLED! I insist on saving Easton's profit margin by buying each and everyone of those stolen OPS for, say, $20 a stick. THAT will teach those theives a lesson!

Don't worry, people, I will see to it that NO ONE gets their hands on these! I will destroy each and every one of those sticks one by one by hand! It will be a slow destruction, sure. Maybe even a game by game destruction, but I am willing to do this not for my own benefit, but the benefit of society.

You may send donations to the Ogie Stick Destruction foundation to help support this cause......

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I remember when they hit Just Hockey a couple years ago. Didn't they just drive a car through the front door?

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Ok than, I respect that. Do you guys (Retailers) get full retail value back or do you get cost back ?

I thought you knew how much sticks were at wholesale. What does full retail value mean? Why would a dealer sell a new product for cost? I'm in business to make $. My shop is not run as a charity event for hockey players. Could you be a little bit clearer about the points you are trying to make.

He's actually on your side. What he's saying is not that you should be selling sticks for cheap, but rather, if your stock was to be stolen, chances are insurance would only cover what you paid for them (value to you), rather than full retail value (if you had sold them all). Insurance would make sure you didn't lose money on them, but I doubt that insurance would cover as though you sold each and every one of them with profit.

Basically the store hasn't lost money on them, but in the long run will lose money they could have made, since they don't have stock to sell during this busy season. Add in the costs of opening and operating each day, and they will feel the loss of sales. Even if they didn't sell EVERY single stick they had, they would have sold some and the profit is needed.

I could be wrong, and maybe LHS do get full retail value on stolen merchandise. That doesn't seem right though since that would now put liability for sales on the insurance company. It would seem real tempting for a store that is being run under to suddenly have a lot of merchandise stolen.

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So Ive bought alot of hockey sticks on ebay, and have many laying around. I bought a vector 110 for $40 brand new. So you think it was stolen? ;) I really dont have a side to this post, but I would not be suprised at all if some of those people that sell alot of stuff on ebay, (small stores) may be thiefs. If they can manage to turn a profit by selling a vector 110 for $40 brand new. In first post saying not to purchase from anyone that has stolen something, I dont think I would have a problem with purchasing the stick from them. I cant get in trouble, It saves me money, ya sure, a LHS owner got screwed, but the stick must be used by someone.

Now this may be false, dont hold this against me, but Ive heard that it doesnt take much at all to make a ops. I hear that it takes $20 to make a stealth or a hex. And they sell for $150? That may start a new topic but Ive always been pretty curious to know how much it really cost to make these high end sticks that were all paying alot for.

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Maybe so, but factor in R&D costs, advertising, the goons that run their messageboards, etc. and you come up to the price they sell them.

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So Ive bought alot of hockey sticks on ebay, and have many laying around. I bought a vector 110 for $40 brand new. So you think it was stolen? ;) I really dont have a side to this post, but I would not be suprised at all if some of those people that sell alot of stuff on ebay, (small stores) may be thiefs. If they can manage to turn a profit by selling a vector 110 for $40 brand new. In first post saying not to purchase from anyone that has stolen something, I dont think I would have a problem with purchasing the stick from them. I cant get in trouble, It saves me money, ya sure, a LHS owner got screwed, but the stick must be used by someone.

Now this may be false, dont hold this against me, but Ive heard that it doesnt take much at all to make a ops. I hear that it takes $20 to make a stealth or a hex. And they sell for $150? That may start a new topic but Ive always been pretty curious to know how much it really cost to make these high end sticks that were all paying alot for.

And they are not made in north america anymore, so you know they are being made for less than they were years ago! :angry:

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Ok than, I respect that. Do you guys (Retailers) get full retail value back or do you get cost back ?

I thought you knew how much sticks were at wholesale. What does full retail value mean? Why would a dealer sell a new product for cost? I'm in business to make $. My shop is not run as a charity event for hockey players. Could you be a little bit clearer about the points you are trying to make.

He's actually on your side. What he's saying is not that you should be selling sticks for cheap, but rather, if your stock was to be stolen, chances are insurance would only cover what you paid for them (value to you), rather than full retail value (if you had sold them all). Insurance would make sure you didn't lose money on them, but I doubt that insurance would cover as though you sold each and every one of them with profit.

Basically the store hasn't lost money on them, but in the long run will lose money they could have made, since they don't have stock to sell during this busy season. Add in the costs of opening and operating each day, and they will feel the loss of sales. Even if they didn't sell EVERY single stick they had, they would have sold some and the profit is needed.

I could be wrong, and maybe LHS do get full retail value on stolen merchandise. That doesn't seem right though since that would now put liability for sales on the insurance company. It would seem real tempting for a store that is being run under to suddenly have a lot of merchandise stolen.

Thanks Project , that is what I was saying

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Easton sticks cost $13 to make. they have the huge markup because they claim that they put a lot of money into the designing and engineering of the product, which they claim they want back. (corporation conversion = people are buying it at this price, so we are going to make as much money as possible....).... ripofffff

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Easton sticks cost $13 to make. they have the huge markup because they claim that they put a lot of money into the designing and engineering of the product, which they claim they want back. (corporation conversion = people are buying it at this price, so we are going to make as much money as possible....).... ripofffff

Yet people still buy tons of their products. So essentially what you are missing in that post was that its a perfect operation that makes them easily the most profitable hockey company in the world, as far as sticks go.

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actually i did... see the part where i say "people are buying it at this price"? oh and "we are going to make as much money as possible".... why does everyone seem to misread me?

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