teamriot38 0 Report post Posted December 22, 2005 Everytime i bring up the fact that I play hockey, it's either "Wow you have all your teeth" or "Do you stab guys with your skate (happy gilmore reference)" Are there any other stereotypes that really bug you? I'm about to jack the next person who mentions the happy gilmore thing to me. If hockey were based off of everyone's stereotypes, it would be a bunch of toothless wonders running around with a skate in their hands trying to stab people. **SICK OF IT**Any other stereotypes or generalizations that bug you? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bruin88 0 Report post Posted December 22, 2005 i dont care about the stereotypes ,theyre just kidding around. theres stereotypes in all sports Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
teamriot38 0 Report post Posted December 22, 2005 I know, but football players don't like to be called dumb as rocks, and soccer players get PO'ed when i tell them their just hockey players who never learned to skate. LOL. Just thought someone would be as sick of the happy gilmore thing as i am. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fletch 219 Report post Posted December 22, 2005 I get annoyed with "why didn't you go pro?" and then I have to tell them that there is no way in hell I would ever be even remotely close to good enough to play in the NHL. Usually I get that question from elderly family Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jason Harris 31 Report post Posted December 22, 2005 I wouldn't call it a stereotype but, after 25 years, the joke of "I went to the fights the other night, and a hockey game broke out!" has become a bit stale. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
forsberg91 0 Report post Posted December 22, 2005 Or the question I always get is "Have you ever gotten in a fight?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chippa13 1844 Report post Posted December 22, 2005 I wouldn't call it a stereotype but, after 25 years, the joke of "I went to the fights the other night, and a hockey game broke out!" has become a bit stale. The plus side to the fighting stereotype, people who don't play hockey but know that you do tend to assume not only that you fight but are pretty good at it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
teamriot38 0 Report post Posted December 22, 2005 true. And a classic Dangerfield line as well, I just think that hockey portrays a bad image to some and it shows in first thoughts of hockey players. Even fighting has been shunned in the new nhl. It's hard to show anything else though because i can't watch a single game without satellite where i live. **sigh** But I agree "Do you get in lots of fights" is usually a first impression. I also hear "You don't look like a hockey player" WHAT? What exactly does a hockey player look like. I think most people think of a domi or bertuzzi like face and don't realize theirs guys in the league like crosby and st. louis. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chadd 916 Report post Posted December 22, 2005 I wouldn't call it a stereotype but, after 25 years, the joke of "I went to the fights the other night, and a hockey game broke out!" has become a bit stale. But there's nothing wrong with a bench clearing brawl in baseball. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
donkey87 0 Report post Posted December 22, 2005 Nothing wrong with fighting with the fans in basketball, or rioting during a soccer game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JR Boucicaut 3804 Report post Posted December 22, 2005 I just find it funny you call it a stereotype. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chippa13 1844 Report post Posted December 22, 2005 Hockey player persecution must end. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stock07 1 Report post Posted December 23, 2005 here Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jjtt99 0 Report post Posted December 23, 2005 I've spent quite a bit of time in Brazil, and in that part of the world they see hockey as an extreme, violent sport where everybody fights.The only highlights they ever see are of the bloody fights. The Bertuzzi punch on Moore got air time down there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gongshow11 1 Report post Posted December 23, 2005 how bout hockey players are womanizers, or hockey players show no respect to women and post things they shouldnt and get in trouble...ugh or the fact that we are the worst role model around, all of which is true lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Patrick67 1 Report post Posted December 23, 2005 All my classmates in college thought I was some sort of mean guy, and were quite suprised as they got to know me better, that I didn't assault people in bars and could be nice from time to time....But they still think I'm a pretty sound fighter, because I've "played competitive hockey for so many years" :lol: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ash_96 0 Report post Posted December 23, 2005 how bout hockey players are womanizers, or hockey players show no respect to women and post things they shouldnt and get in trouble...ugh or the fact that we are the worst role model around, all of which is true lol This one annoys the hell out of me! get it quite a lot here in England. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fire0nIce228 1 Report post Posted December 23, 2005 "The price is WRONG Bob!"I showed respect to my woman and treated her like a princess and she STILL left me, being a hockey player sucks! :D :D :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tburk32 0 Report post Posted December 23, 2005 the "have you eve fought someone?" gets old but the classic "if i played hockey all i would do is check and fight the whole time...." pisses me off everytime i hear it. not to sure why it bothers me so much but thats the most common thing people say to me Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LetsGoWings13 0 Report post Posted December 23, 2005 The second someone finds out i play hockey they ask me how many fights ive been in and if i hit hard lol. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
A_Steeves12 0 Report post Posted December 23, 2005 "if i played hockey all i would do is check and fight the whole time...." pisses me off everytime i hear it. not to sure why it bothers me so much but thats the most common thing people say to me i get that all the time it drives me nuts too. i just sit there and agree and say in my head " yes you big dummy cause thats all hockey is about" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gongshow11 1 Report post Posted December 23, 2005 "The price is WRONG Bob!"I showed respect to my woman and treated her like a princess and she STILL left me, being a hockey player sucks! :D :D :D thats why ive learned since i aint getting married for awhile, to find the broads whos show u can easily run, and basically it ends when you say it does. these girls are never marriage material, but while im still young, im having fun Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hurricane 0 Report post Posted December 24, 2005 whats great is usually if you play hockey people know you can fight---works to your favor. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rausch27 1 Report post Posted December 24, 2005 all my friends always say "man if i played hockey , id just hit everybody and get in so many fights" when they cant even skate. and what really pisses me off is when they say " if i played i'd just swing my stick at them or stab them with my skate" its annouying but i dont even listen anymore. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kosydar 0 Report post Posted December 24, 2005 People always just assume I'm Canadian. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites